Grow Mediums Outdoor Grow Soil (Newbie)

No idea on anything right now, all I know is I have the seeds lol. I’m not sure what nutes to use. Between synthetic and organic I never gave it thought. I’m still looking up feeding charts.

Have you thought about what nutes your going to be using? Preferred synthetic/organic? I have just made the switch to mega Crop and it seems pretty straightforward to use and it's relatively cheap.
Perlite aids in wet dry cycles, in winter I will up my perlite amounts to around 20% but in summer I'm all about conserving moisture!
:toke: Hey bud! So, you're going to battle the heat and critically low RH% in LV, ay? That will be a serious challenge mate, not gonna sugar coat it,... Really low RH% is a serious problem (look into VPD, vapor pressure deficit, in the Reference section in the Infirmary to see what I mean).... it's possible, but may be difficult,... I'd for sure look into strains that can handle this, talk to rep's on site here, or email breeders,....
I recommend fabric pots, light color, to help keep root zone cool; plastic will be like an oven,... watering will be pretty much constant, in any case,.... You want a heavier soil, very good water retention,... Roots Organic Original is good, you can add worm castings and vermiculite to up the retention some,.. use humic-fulvic acids supplement,...Si too,... With reservation, I toss in Happy Frog (Fox Farm), but no matter waht soil you use, get a soil pH probe, like the Accurate 8... monitoring the actual in-pot pH is very important, especially in your challenging conditions,...
Look into getting some shade cloth put up too, full blasting Sun isn't necessary, and if you can take the edge off the worst of the mid-day heat, they plants will thank you...:smoking:
You've got some good advice here. I'd say if you think you might lean toward organic it'd be good to start out with just organic ingredients because some synthetics don't play well with them. Check out other gardeners in your area, see how they deal with the conditions. You have almost exactly the opposite growing conditions from me lol. Strain selection is important. Good luck on the grow there are always challenges:smoking:but the rewards are worth it:pass:
Well lemme see. 100F temps on average in summer and low RH like 10-20 at best.although with all the pools and lawns the RH in the vegas region has gone up a little because of these things.But my memory kinda sucks recalling stuff off the cuff but I believe its Kelp among another cpl items that help with Heat stresses.Shade cloth is mandatory IMO and its possible you might have to dig a foot deep hole to try n keep the pots a little cooler and out of the sun.if not painting them white will help a little and cover them with a white top as well with mulch like others have mentioned.

IME Organic is going to be the best bet since itll protect them longer with a proper mix ime. thats what Ive seen anyways. I would go with Photo strength soil from KIS and blend that for 30-45 days and youll be that time you need to learn and read a bit and ask a few queries.and early AM and evening a few hours before sundown floiar feeding is going to be key.NOT in direct sunlight.until you decide Bottle or organic I cant really help you much more than whats already been said IMO.Happy growing buddy! I lived in Vegas for 10-12 years back when the MOB ran the place.LOL