Grow Mediums Outdoor Grow Soil (Newbie)

Mar 12, 2019
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Hey guys, new to the forum and growing. Getting ready to pop some Crop King White Widow autos for outdoor growth, but not sure what soil to start. I’m in Las Vegas, temps get about 100f during the summer. Thanks for any help, will be documenting my progress.
Hey bud, 100f temps are something I deal with a lot. It can be testing at times but very doable :thumbsup:. I'm in Australia so no help with your soils but feel free to tag me in your journal when you get it up and running. Will do my best to help where I can. I would suggest using at least a 10 gallon pot to avoid dryouts! @Growtogrow may be able to help you with soil choices over there?
Hey guys, new to the forum and growing. Getting ready to pop some Crop King White Widow autos for outdoor growth, but not sure what soil to start. I’m in Las Vegas, temps get about 100f during the summer. Thanks for any help, will be documenting my progress.
I use an easily obtained potting mix here, you won't want to add to much perlite if growing in hot and dry conditions as retaining moisture will be your biggest battle! Also mulch on top of your pots will be a huge help.
Thanks for the reply @the green bandit I’ll definitely tag you when I start. What sort of blend do you use for your outdoor grow?
In summer I run very little perlite in my mix, with a good soil 10% would be plenty in a hot and dry climate! A good thick layer of mulch does indeed help retain moisture and keep roots cooler:thumbsup:. Lining my fabric pots with cardboard has also improved keeping moisture in and hot out.
Have you thought about what nutes your going to be using? Preferred synthetic/organic? I have just made the switch to mega Crop and it seems pretty straightforward to use and it's relatively cheap.
Perlite aids in wet dry cycles, in winter I will up my perlite amounts to around 20% but in summer I'm all about conserving moisture!
I’m already learning a lot. I thought in the hot climate we wanted to use more perlite. I’m new to growing in general so I wasn’t clear about all of these things.