Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

Thanks for the kind comments and the rep!! Much, much more bud incoming very soon, including many more laced with trichs!! Fruity Chronic is hammering the crystal again, and the smell is getting out of hand!
@Mossy - I know its an old badge from the old site, but can I Please get a Dutch Passion Premiere club member badge. Pretty please with trichs on top? :D I think this grow deserves it! ;)
Alright...been trimming my brains out(10 hours a day since the passion [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] was harvested) getting the latest chop done the Delicious Seeds Fruity Chronic Juice...once again i am very impressed with this strain!

A very nice size for the partial sun garden. She took 3 frosts with one being fairly major at the end of flower.


And the best part...damn nice bud on the FJC, and the stink(which is nearly identical to last seasons) is a sick sweet cherry smell that is awesome!!

Speaking of the smell...this was the only plant in the partial garden that was making me a little paranoid...in the wrong breeze you can smell her from 100 meters!

The crystal on this plant is just as spectacular as last seasons...between yield, crystal and that awesome stink, this strain has well earned her spot in the full sun garden next season...we'll see what she can really do!!

And the last plant in the full sun garden, the Orange hill special...another big girl!

Bud is there...fluffy still but there. I really dig the definitely citrus smell on this plant.

Great crystal with very tacky/sticky consistency . So far she has shrugged off frosts, but wise planning(being warned she might be a later finisher) put her under a trees over hanging branches which i am sure have protected her from the frosts.

Final pics of the Blueberry and the Frisian Duck incoming withing a day or two tops...almost totally caught up trimming..weather seems like it is warming up for now, but it is going to drop(err re-drop i mean) like a stone soon!! My frickin' teeth started to chatter 2 nights ago while trimming in the outbuilding. Thats a canadian harvest. ;)
So this is the end my friends!! Today was insane with a 14 hour day of chopping both the blueberry and the frisian duck. Both were certainly ready and weather is damn near finished for decent herb growing.

So one more round of pics for you all! Day 2?? (around day 200 somewhere) DP Blueberry. The frost we got the other day was a heavy one. The duck took it okay but the blueberry got the beatdown on her leaves. Left a bin in the pic for scale. Massive plant.

Tons of decent, but not huge buds like this one.

Great crystal as always.

Excellent Blueberry Perfume odour, that seems to be shifting over to a sweeter smell.

Love it...cant wait to replenish my BB stocks!

And a trimmed bud


Another Closeup

Finally the Duck.

Wow there is some really nice tops on this plant. They are spongy though...hard to say if they will weigh heavy.

A beautiful Sea of Purple

Really digging the colour of the buds.

Nice trich count too.

Smell is of lemon lime. Not super strong which is a benefit for stealth situations. Sure you lose the stealth when giant purple buds pack on, but up to midflower she is well suited(well maybe not using the techniques i use to grow..hahaha).

A bunch of Duck Tops semi-trimmed

Gawd...flash reveals all here!!

Pretty impressed overall with the Duck. Grew out nice thick bud, and "so far" have spotted no mold, except for one rogue spot a few weeks back.

So this final pic is this and next weeks workload, which is pretty much all blueberry in the pic...damn its alot of trimmin'!!

@Dudeski - Hey thanks so much for your comments bud! Wish I had more time and better internet, so I could get over and check out your grow man!
Alright so here we go at day 220....we have had some extreme weather lately.....a ton of rain, tornado type winds...and somehow the Orange Hill Special made it through unscathed! I chopped her down yesterday. Since i never do this, i decided to take a couple of night time pics:

The repeated frost temps has turned many leaves an attractive maroon.

My favorite top on the plant

Closeup of a top

Wow...looks awesome!!

I have to say the orange hill special did well considering the late finish and the crazy weather she dealt with in the end. I was stunned to find just a single tiny speck of mold throughout all of the bud.

So we have a new test garden record, with the fruity chronic juice pulling a fantastic 21oz!! Woohoo!! Excellent for only 6 hour of direct sun! In case anyone is wondering I am STILL trimming Every day 10 hours a day or more...the end is close now! 2-3 more days and done...back is frikkin' killing me!!
I totally enjoy seeing the outside grows and yours just kicks ass! Leaves me speechless because of what it takes to make a grow like yours happen. Thank you for sharing.
@Dudeski - Hey thanks man...it is indeed a level of dedication that most folks do not realize what it takes to get a monster crop from the great outdoors. I hope my journals here and at potpros show people how to grow and harvest big, and if they have a good outdoor spot they can do the same.

This is the end my friends!! Bud is dry and ready to smoke!

DP Blueberry - sweet Berry perfume fragrance.

Closeup - very strong as usual. DP BB has not disappointed!!

Frisian Duck - oooo gotta love purple!

Closeup - nice crystal and lemon/lime citrus odour.

Think Fast - Okay now we are seriously Thinking Fast!!

Closeup - woohoo!! Densest buds of the season

Fruity Chronic Juice by Delicious Seeds - well earned position in the full sun garden next season!

Closeup - sweeeeet!! This bud has REALLY impressed me 2 years in a row now. Absolutely rock hard buds...no give at all hardly when squeezed.

Durban POison - these buds also dried very dense. Really great looking and smoking bud. I know see where the description of "Anise" in the smell and taste comes from. Still some fruit in the scent profile but certainly licorice as well.

Closeup - Umm the THC rating is what on this strain??(i remember 9%? It certainly does get you high!!)

Highrise MOB X C99A - Really diggin the colour and crystal count on this plant. Nice light berry smell.

Closeup - Due to limited light in the test garden(6 hours by harvest) bud was pretty loose on the dry on this plant. Still amazed at the rock hard buds on the Fruity Chronic Juice from the same location.

Passion [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] - Really loving the smell on this plant. Unfortunately this will be the single time i grow this strain, as trimming is just too harsh for return!!

Closeup - Great crystal!

Finally the Frisian Dew - I like the Dew more this season than last year. Even before a cure she has quite the strength. Smell leans otward the Super Skunk half of the genes on this plant.

Closeup - solid crystal count for sure!

And that will conclude this season!! Be on the lookout for "Season 3: Years of the Widows Blues featuring Spain Vs. Holland" which will premiere on April the 1st 2017!!

Stay Green!

"Not for a weed free country or continent, but for a weed free world, unite and grow for a better kinder planet"
And the finale for this season, the late bloomer Orange Hill Special. Beautiful bud. Wish she would have started preflower just 2 weeks earlier. She missed out on the bolking up phase due to cold fall temps. Still beautiful buds, lots of crystal and a really sweet citrus orange taste.

Small buds...really nice toke though! PUlled a total of 6oz dry off this plant. Good thing i got her down, as we have 8"(20cm) of snow blanketing the ground!!

Lots of trichs on the bud for sure!!
