Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

Beautiful bomb looking ladies,nice nice,been talking to a lot of other farmers main complaint is plants are smaller than last year ,I did notice on the positive the meds this year are more flavorfull and nice smell coming outta the ladies this season ,better terps and possibly more tricomes ,time will tell on that though still got 5 to test so far though,always hoping for good weather for you and me both,excellent grow bro!!!!
same up here, smaller harvest, higher quality buds, stronger medicine!
same up here, smaller harvest, higher quality buds, stronger medicine!
Strange phenomenon of phenos going on also ,not a bad trade off if the meds turn out better,always quality over quantity ,I just love the excitement and uncertainty of growing outdoors,don't get me wrong I like growing inside,but to me nothing beats the great outdoors .
Strange phenomenon of phenos going on also ,not a bad trade off if the meds turn out better,always quality over quantity ,I just love the excitement and uncertainty of growing outdoors,don't get me wrong I like growing inside,but to me nothing beats the great outdoors .
I know what you mean, I'm an outdoor dog for sure
and the meds are stronger, stronger anti-inflammatory circulation boost in some strains, and just stronger in general, even some early harvested because of nanners is strong and long lasting, go figure, maybe thinner ozone, more solar radiation
@dankstyle J
Interesting guys...the plants in the full sun garden might yield a little lower than last season, but the plants in the test garden will be much higher than usual. A certain amount of credit has to be given to dutch passion for such monster potential genetics, every single strain, every single plants is huge. We got some another storm today..the think fast is literally falling apart. I fought through a rainstorm and tied her up some more. I smoked some very premature buds from the branch I took last week...HOLY SHIATZU!! Wow...powerhouse sativa stone. VERY, VERY IMPRESSED!! @DutchPassionTony - You guys hammered down some hardcore genes in the think fast man! Also smoked a tester of some extremely early Frisian duck today...nice uplifting buzz, but the sample was crazy far from being ready! She is turning heavy purple all over, and huge dense buds. No mold on any plants which is hard to believe considering the fall season!
@dankstyle J
Interesting guys...the plants in the full sun garden might yield a little lower than last season, but the plants in the test garden will be much higher than usual. A certain amount of credit has to be given to dutch passion for such monster potential genetics, every single strain, every single plants is huge. We got some another storm today..the think fast is literally falling apart. I fought through a rainstorm and tied her up some more. I smoked some very premature buds from the branch I took last week...HOLY SHIATZU!! Wow...powerhouse sativa stone. VERY, VERY IMPRESSED!! @DutchPassionTony - You guys hammered down some hardcore genes in the think fast man! Also smoked a tester of some extremely early Frisian duck today...nice uplifting buzz, but the sample was crazy far from being ready! She is turning heavy purple all over, and huge dense buds. No mold on any plants which is hard to believe considering the fall season!
no mold.........a blessing!
no mold.........a blessing!

Sorry I shouldn't say no mold...the frisian dew had some issues right at the end. I spotted one small speck on the think fast....but considering the size of the plants and amount of bud, along with the ripping rainstorms this year, its a super good year for mold!
Sorry I shouldn't say no mold...the frisian dew had some issues right at the end. I spotted one small speck on the think fast....but considering the size of the plants and amount of bud, along with the ripping rainstorms this year, its a super good year for mold!
haha, I consider that "no" mold
Really great growing man. Hope you get some great finishing-up weather for these gals

Hey thanks for the rep bud! Hoping for the best with the weather! I am now feeding plain water to all of the plants in the full sun garden and the test garden(except for the orange hill special). I feel the season change coming, and when it does I had better be ready. Soon, very soonthere will be days of torrential downpours and 10 degree weather, or cooler with frosts. From here out its always a gamble. Trimming will certainly be a torture fest for me this season!!

@Waira - I have to say....Thankyou, Thankyou, THANKYOU!!! You saved my Think Fast with your excellent advice, I am sure of it. Rot is still there, but the sulfur held it back enough that the plant could finish(or at least really close to finish), and thanks to you, the think fast is the highlight of my season. Se is still standing but ready to literally fall apart at any moment. Amazing bud production is happening like there is no problem with the main trunk literally rotting out. One branch is holding on by a thread, It would have broken off almost for sure in the last rainstorm, if I hadn't went out during the rain, noticed it, and retied it up.
I did some test smoking(of the premature branch that rotted off), and wow...seriously.....its as potent as the closeups pic suggest! Very strong pine flavour...awesome. Thanks again so much my friend...you are welcome in my garden anytime!

Passion [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] final pics inbound tomorrow, with a harvest of a second plant. Frisian Dew 90% dry riding in at 65% in the jar. New location record with a 12oz yield...not too shabby at all, for less than 6 hours of light!