Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

How's your orange hill doing, Skelly, she finally kicking into flower mode?

She is doing great....though still struggling to get into any real form of preflower. Hoping for the best! I knew I was risking when I chose the variety, and sure enough its going to bite me in the ass(the window for a fully matured plant has come and gone). Fortunately the other 3 in the test garden are flowering well, with the frisian dew wayyyyyy ahead of the pack in maturation. And the other 3 are way bigger than they normally are in the location. More pics of the test garden today. Thanks mediscrogs!
@MediScrogs - so yeah, going to change the name of the OHS to Snow Hill Special. :D

Does anyone find it ironic, that the location of the last plant to be harvested from last season(Skunkberry that got snowed on 3 separate times between Oct the 15th and Nov the 1st) will be the exact same location for the first plant of the season(Frisian dew) to be harvested? And to bring irony to the party, the last plant to be harvested this year(OHS), is in the same location of the plant that was harvested first last season(BC God Bud). Welcome to the Twilight Zone! ;)
Lol, funny how that works out. Lol.

You try giving orange hill a P-K slap to jump start flowering? I hear that helps sometimes.

Great idea man...already on it...been hitting her with AN connoisseur, FF Open sesame for a couple of weeks, trying to get her arse in gear. ;)

Okay gents...potpros is back online and I have posted a whack of updates over there, including full plant and flower closeups. Hope you all can come over and check it out. Be sure to pop by the grow battles section as well, where Surffreak and myself are going toe-to-toe with the Frisian duck and the passion! Tons of action to be seen! The next 2 months will be full of flowering goodness!
Until I get off my ass and get a med card once the med grow rules are finalized, I have no concrete plans. Likely play with DWC and autos under cmh and LED. Depends on plant numbers allowed. I mean shit if they say I can grow just one plant...okay...i'll fill the whole space with a giant indoor photo basterd! :D
That's the spirit bro there's always ways around there fecking rules
Going to drop a line here and hopefully drum up a bit of interest for the potpros thread, which will host the rest of this seasons grow pic of my photo plants. Hope you guys can make it!! There is plenty of pink hairs rocking up the joint this season!

Day 158 DP Blueberry
Awesome grow man! Sorry to hear about your weather troubles, mother nature is a bitch sometimes. I envy your outdoor garden, I would love to grow like that. Maybe one day if it becomes legal here. :slap:

Thanks budster...yes this season was a hell of a challenge with weather. As a matter of fact I can never remember a season which started with drought until preflower , and then turned to a wet season. If there was ever a year I should have used Silica to toughen the fibers of the stalks it was this season. Fortunately its been nice the last week, and hopefully stays nice for a couple of weeks, as flower is packing on thick now. We had some chilly nights over the last week, one got close to frost, but that's typical for this time of year. I expect the plants to meet old jack frost at least 3-4 times in their lives, its not unusual. Its the tornado type winds and buckets of rain that are the biggest threat, particularly on the full sun garden due to open field surroundings.
We all strive for legal gardens. Looks like this will finally be a reality for me! Good luck, hope you get a chance to grow outdoors legally.