Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

I am EXTREMELY nervous right now...in addition to the rain, the wet plants now have extremely heavy winds to deal with as well. So strong in fact there was a tornado issue a few hours ago...I am almost scared to go look at the full sun garden!
Oh crap! Well, we cant fight mother nature bud. :pass:


Maybe not...but nothing stops me from cursing her out! :D
I did the right thing...as soon as I posted that message I went out in the tornado like winds...its was scary....like really scared for the plants...they were get whipped sideways from the rocking winds...scary shit!! I staked all of the lead branches with 6 foot bamboos.... the duck, think fast and Durban will be fine, no damage at all...wind has slowed since then, so I think we will be okay. Will be watching the remaining BB closely for hermy traits. Who knows I might end up having to grow out some autoBB this winter, as I will not go without the Blues!
Maybe not...but nothing stops me from cursing her out! :D
I did the right thing...as soon as I posted that message I went out in the tornado like winds...its was scary....like really scared for the plants...they were get whipped sideways from the rocking winds...scary shit!! I staked all of the lead branches with 6 foot bamboos.... the duck, think fast and Durban will be fine, no damage at all...wind has slowed since then, so I think we will be okay. Will be watching the remaining BB closely for hermy traits. Who knows I might end up having to grow out some autoBB this winter, as I will not go without the Blues!
You got this my far northern brother
That bitch mother nature does she not see were depending on her selfish bitch lol
Okay, okay new pics of the full sun garden tomorrow assuming its nice. We got 20ml of rain in 1 hour today. That much rain they can take, and they love it. Interesting...the duck was struggling to flower less than a week ago I was concerned...but after the tornado scare, bam she has tons of preflower happening. Almost a knock in the head is what she needed...no time to fly south Mrs Ducky!! :D

Started using Green PLanet terpinator(10ml per gallon) and MAssive(10ml per gallon) today along with the AN Connoisseur(3ml per liter). Be interesting to see how they perform! I did realize that the AN additives though expensive, you use less(2ml per liter, vs 2.5-6ml for Green Planet) Still the price point is much much lower($22 a liter for massive and $24 for terpinator, vs $56 for AN big bud). @Fairlynew any suggestions on use of these bud?
Okay pics as of today all plants at day 139

Think Fast is a big girl!! Measuring with some branches exceeding 6 feet in height, she is doing really well, but we have ran into a problem, hopefully one that will be fixed soon. It would see the continuous wet we have been experiencing has turned some of the trunk into a water saturated sponge. Quite concerning, as the branches are crazy thick and the winds can be relentless sometimes so we all the strength we can muster! At the advice of @Waira (thanks again man), I am going to try using some powdered sulfur made into a paste to kill fungal activity and draw moisture out of the spongy areas.


Think Fast Main Stalk- the wet dark looking areas just up left the lighter is the problem area the most.

Durban POison...no problems really at all with this plant, except for the mysterious yellowed branch. Despite the very fibrous rigid branches of this plant, the Tornado type winds the other day actually folded a branch tip(just the tip around a foot from the very tip on the windy side) and snapped it! Seriously strong winds they were. Very nice strong trunk on the Durban...only a single branch was I worried about at all so I staked it that incredibly windy day.

And the Frisian Duck! This plant was actually on the windiest side of the windstorm...and she took it the best out of all plants, stepping out with no damage from either the rain, nor the wind. One branch likely would have broken if I didn't go out that day and add additional stakes(there was a branch seam "split" just barely) Sorry about the pic, light was all wrong

And finally the most beaten of the lot...the blueberry. Lost a few branches and 2 are holding on for dear life...been scouring her popcorn flowers over closely and not hermy signs, so far, so good. Pretty wild, with the missing branches it almost looks like 3-4 different smaller plants in the pic if you ignore the trunk in the center of the pic.

The "Hole covered to help shield off the rain the other day from running into the "hole" and causing stem/root rot.


I keep the "hole" covered with some plastics when it rained the other day, which kept 20ml of rain from filling the hole and causing rot problems. Even still there is a bit of rot started on the edges of the "hole".
man, what a siege of weather and worry. Those plants are monstrous, maybe defoliate to open bottom to air

Gawd I hate to say it, but the problem is compounding daily. More rain, and heavy winds...the think fast has cracks in her main stalk everywhere now with the relentless winds. No idea if I am going to be able to hold on for the next many weeks I need to finish, if this bullshit keeps up. Nice...and I am suppose to go fishing next week...pure stress from anxiety, if I even end up going. :( So I either go and worry myself crazy about my plants, I don't go and want to hang myself as I need to get away for a bit, or I say fuck it and go anyways and assume the problem plant(s) will be screwed when I return. Honestly I don't like any of the 3 options. :(