Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

outdoor plants need a healthy dose of outdoor in their genes. My complaints about this season pale in comparison, sending green heal in your direction

Thanks man...its the outdoor conditioning that been the problem this year(ive grown dozens of strains that are "indoor" successfully)...usually it rains once a week all summer...not this year. Almost zero rain until 2 weeks ago , and since then its been dumping many, many gallons of water, and winds that are extremely strong to match. The stalks just haven't had a real chance to strengthen properly as they grew through their lives.
erratic weather is becoming the norm, seems about everywhere, hope most is salvageable

You got that right man, the world is going through some serious changes...usually every 5-6 years we will experience a drought, where we experience little rain...but never once can I recall the end of a drought to totally change 180 into a wet season.(never!) I might possibly be over exaggerating(I sure do hope so), but I feel this season slipping away. Could be a serious saving grace, about the very recent changes in medical grow laws here.(means my wife will be on board for a real indoor grow this winter)
You got that right man, the world is going through some serious changes...usually every 5-6 years we will experience a drought, where we experience little rain...but never once can I recall the end of a drought to totally change 180 into a wet season.(never!) I might possibly be over exaggerating(I sure do hope so), but I feel this season slipping away. Could be a serious saving grace, about the very recent changes in medical grow laws here.(means my wife will be on board for a real indoor grow this winter)
I'm looking forward to that one bro what's the indoor plans/setup

I'm looking forward to that one bro what's the indoor plans/setup
Until I get off my ass and get a med card once the med grow rules are finalized, I have no concrete plans. Likely play with DWC and autos under cmh and LED. Depends on plant numbers allowed. I mean shit if they say I can grow just one plant...okay...i'll fill the whole space with a giant indoor photo basterd! :D
912 i dont get notifications for ur grow even tho iv got it as watch thread.those plants mate i gota say again amazing.that think fast is a beautiful monster u dont get better than that my friend absolutly epic;) and i see dutch passions strong genetics shining through in ur plants aswell.u are a master outdoor grower mate fairplay.;)
Hey guys..thanks for the comments.

@autobeast, thanks again man. Sorry bud I don't know whats up with the notifications.

@trailanimal As best as I can, the plants are staked...need to find a better source for bigger, stronger stakes!! Hoping for the best. OH yeah, you are right earlier when you suggested to clear out some inner branches trail...just got caught up in a lot of stuff this summer. I have done a couple of hours of branch removal the last few days.