Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

If they are not going to fix pot pros then it should be re-incorporated into AFN as a photoperiod section. We are losing people who's main interest is photoperiods.

You are absolutely right man. And a kind place to post photo grows is sorely needed!! Really disappointed with public cannabis forum sites out there. Wow is there some harsh folks out there!
Man it sucks potpros is down ,I really enjoyed logging on der.I was really starting to lay down the roots on that site ,and the pop bottle comp my plant turned out so nice an all out dank white widow,flavor grape top.notch resin production a heady dream was looking forward to seeing the other guys fatty buds ,but the site dropped and we were starting to pick up some grade A growers I was excited to learn.
Man it sucks potpros is down ,I really enjoyed logging on der.I was really starting to lay down the roots on that site ,and the pop bottle comp my plant turned out so nice an all out dank white widow,flavor grape top.notch resin production a heady dream was looking forward to seeing the other guys fatty buds ,but the site dropped and we were starting to pick up some grade A growers I was excited to learn.

I hear you dankstyle...I too wish it could have remained running. I would love to see PPN come back, but only if it could remain working. 2 days being down is one thing but 2 weeks or more is something else. The thing about here is this site is already well established.
Yep 912 ,I just post my photo periods with my autos since I grow em together anyway,I love afn and always grow autos ,the vibe is alot better here than other sites that's for sure with some of the best growers in the world.
Ok so what is going on that us regular members don't know about???? All you people that have access to the VIPs should put in a word for us, it kind of feels like the photo growers on AFN get treated like the auto growers on a site like at marijuana passion....

:WTF: I thought this was a place for all cannabis, at least give us a section
Apparently, they ran into serious issues when trying to fix the glitches that had existed. Word is we will get a photo period section back here withing AFN in the near future. A lot of us grow both, we too miss and lament the loss of pot pros. It needs to end now though, its hard to rvive interest in a site that been down for long periods of time. Better to bring it home, and help expend interest in AFN, the home of all Cannabis!

Ok so what is going on that us regular members don't know about???? All you people that have access to the VIPs should put in a word for us, it kind of feels like the photo growers on AFN get treated like the auto growers on a site like at marijuana passion....

:WTF: I thought this was a place for all cannabis, at least give us a section