Outdoor Outdoor auto/super auto grow under the Mediterranean sun 2016

I see, well it is taking a while for sure. I hope they'll dense up for you...my Muay Thai last year kept white pistils through until the end, I finally got about half white and half brown...looked very immature but sure smoked fine. Yours might end up similar where they'll look really immature but surprise you with the finished high. I'd like to suggest you take a sample bud off her at the end of the month here and see what that's like with a quick dry... but yeah, it doesn't look close at all, but if the yellowing continues en masse, the plant may be shifting toward a final ripening phase. Hopefully you'll see more progress these next 3 weeks. Probably going to smoke better than it looks.

Your chaze seems to be budding nicely though, finally--good news there. Keep it cool, man, and fingers crossed here for you.
Hey moutros i been scratching my head looking for an answer to why ur panamas are slower than flash says maybe various phenos in the lines is a possibility!

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Turns out most of flashs super autos run around 130 days give or take!

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Hello friends,

so i think slowly we are getting there, the chaze definitely is almost ready and the panama lime is looking much fatter, i think they will both go down in the next couple of weeks, check them out and tell me what you think

Also before i cut them down i hope to post a full body picture for you as i think it will be worth it

So here's the panama lime




And the chaze


Good news for sure man. Your chaze buds look nice and dense, too. Looking forward to your feedback on the smoke.
Dude what nutes n medium ya usin? Might have asked already.. any boosters? Should yielddddd

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Hello friends,

so i think slowly we are getting there, the chaze definitely is almost ready and the panama lime is looking much fatter, i think they will both go down in the next couple of weeks, check them out and tell me what you think

Also before i cut them down i hope to post a full body picture for you as i think it will be worth it

They're all looking fantastico!
Love the loonnnggg Panama,
but the Chaze is fat, yeah!
Hello again , unfortunately in the last stage im discovering problems and hoping you guys can help me solve them,

lets start with the simple and less important one, white spots on leaves on the chaze ,anyone any ideas?

and the real worryng problem now, this beautiful panama plant has AIRY buds and they seem to be going dry on the inside, unfortunately i have no idea what causes that, is it normal with sativa plants? and what will be smokable from that i dont know,instead of fattening up it keeps shooting new little hairy stems, im afraid i might have to make the whole plant into hash. Any ideas again?


Is it not enough food? Does it need ALOT more time? Can it be not enough sun? I notice it mostly happens on the back side of the plant where it doesnt get enough sun, is it just how this plant is supposed to be? I just know im very disappointed...
Dude what nutes n medium ya usin? Might have asked already.. any boosters? Should yielddddd

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Im using homemade soil and i am using biobizz nutes, grow and bloom, not alot though, my soil is rich enough i think. No boosters