well today we have 24c outside :headbang: , but not normal for May normal would be 16°C

yesterday it was hot as the pits of the abyss...almost 30 degrees Celsius....today it an entirely other matter though, only supposed to get to 10 degrees Celsius!! Our weather in the shifting seasons is just crazy sometimes.
yesterday it was hot as the pits of the abyss...almost 30 degrees Celsius....today it an entirely other matter though, only supposed to get to 10 degrees Celsius!! Our weather in the shifting seasons is just crazy sometimes.

since im in a very costal climate .. we don't normally get the huge temp swings ... normally correlates closely to water temp ... but prevailing wind seems wack ... the long term effects are already here ... our waters are infested more warmer loving species ... but hey thats evolution right ?
yesterday it was hot as the pits of the abyss...almost 30 degrees Celsius....today it an entirely other matter though, only supposed to get to 10 degrees Celsius!! Our weather in the shifting seasons is just crazy sometimes.
In Holland the same mate.. A Day 30 celcius and the Day after 16[emoji35]
Rainy dais in Europe, weather was soo good i wanted to get them out this Weekend but since ist raining for a day i will wait. Too many slugs on the move right now and the plant are still too soft to feel comfortable when planting out...

Sorry, boss! I've been posting some pics in the Mandala Safari grow journal, but forgot here.
So, here's a quick couple:

Day 63 (Flowering Day 42) - Mandala Safari

There were about 12.5cm = 5" at 21 days / 3 weeks old vegging when they went outside.
Now they've had 42 days / 6 weeks flowering in natural 13/11 hrs light cycle.

Female [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] - Sativa / Hybrid Pheno
-- about 55cm = 22" tall.
But she was topped by mother nature, and would have been maybe another 10cm = 4" tall, max.

The second shot is a bit weird, because she auto-topped herself. Haha.

Her crystals are slowly showing up.

Though, for sheer beauty, kind of wish my entry had been the other lady:

Female [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] - Indica / Afghanica Pheno
-- about 50cm = 20" tall.
She's really just a single main cola.

After some more fairly heavy rain yesterday,
I first spread some organic NPK 3-5-4 pellets around the base,
and then watered with full strength CaliMagic and AN Sensi Bloom Coco AB.
Also sprayed with some bacilis subtilis, a natural anti-fungus / anti-rot bacteria,
diluted down about 500:1 in water, using a local product.

But, that hash plant looking lady is going to have to come down soon, perhaps.

Love and hugs,

Thats some Motivation right there, theres nothing as pretty like a sun ripened bud!

Yes myself and team leaders will be scouting the thread and front page keeping an eye out for overdue entries. At 14 days overdue members will be contacted and a few days grace will be given. After that entries will be eliminated. Yes it will be a lot of work! When I started this contest, i thought i was going to struggle to get 10 entries total. Obviously i grossly underestimated the outdoor growing going on!!

This thread is going nuts! Will not be easy to Keep up!
Many are in the ground, just not to that 30 day point yet. Should be a flood of entries in the next 15 days. In order to keep track of completed entries, as soon as the first entry is finished, i will start the vote thread and will ask everyone to post their selected pics there once their part of the grow is done. I will then start a locked voting poll for both the photos and autos and add pics there to keep it all organized. Still need to figure out the voting polls.

Going good, going good!!!

In the meantime, my Safaris are starting to come down, haha!
These photos are not my entry plant, but just for sharing with everyone here:

20170520 Mandala Safari (Indica Pheno) Harvest 5.jpg
20170520 Mandala Safari (Indica Pheno) Harvest 6.jpg

Mandala Safari Indica / Afghanica pheno would be a lot of fun grown SoG style.
Could really pack them in, 4 per sq ft.