Not sure what you would like to know about AOF. Let me know and I will share what I know. I think the main thing about AOF, is that my Danish friend who sourced these from Forouk, and has been to his Aunts house has been a chronic pain sufferer for many years. This has made him, source out the strongest Indicas on the planet. He has been breeding and preserving lines for 30 years, and AOF is by far his favorite med strain.

Check out the trich coverage. Nice true sugar leaves. Obviously makes for a great Hash plant. Pictures are not mine, but from a German grower..



Yes, this is a hard strain to source. I have a pack from Zen seeds (think the breeder esben was Zen and now Hybrids from Hell), and some from Knops (s.i.c.). I really need to pop that pack from Zen,as I know it is several years old. What would be Ideal for you, is half females half males. Many of the small breeders I know, believe that deseeded flowers may be more potent than not. Not sure if that is the case. I should flower out a couple of clones, pollinate one, and let the other go sinse.

Please keep me posted on these, or are these in your grow and show thread?


Sound really good, if i hadn't that much strains 2 go thru i'd given them a chance, got some chronic pains 2. I'll just drop the pics in here and all thats relevant. Please do so, may you have them outdoor this season and collect some seeds. I would like to know how they compare to each other in purity and looks!
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Stickman you're very lucky to have access to a wide range of landraces like that,I can remember as a young man in the mid 90s growing some of the fattest leaved afghanica and kush crosses bred by ole Vietnam vets an hippies deep in the rural pacific northwest mountains , ,real nice strains all finished in a coastal mountain Oregon season very short season ,all containing landrace hash plants and crosses.
Stickman you're very lucky to have access to a wide range of landraces like that,I can remember as a young man in the mid 90s growing some of the fattest leaved afghanica and kush crosses bred by ole Vietnam vets an hippies deep in the rural pacific northwest mountains , ,real nice strains all finished in a coastal mountain Oregon season very short season ,all containing landrace hash plants and crosses.

Thats how 'real weed' was done! Like!!
Stickman you're very lucky to have access to a wide range of landraces like that,I can remember as a young man in the mid 90s growing some of the fattest leaved afghanica and kush crosses bred by ole Vietnam vets an hippies deep in the rural pacific northwest mountains , ,real nice strains all finished in a coastal mountain Oregon season very short season ,all containing landrace hash plants and crosses.
I live in the PNW as well, and have, and integrating land races with fast finishing OD photo strains for are climates.

Also already have many of the type of strains you speak of. Most of these strains are not offered by the large seed banks.

Calling all Southern members @islandgrower @Maria Sanchez @WalterW , Sorry guys , I been missing in action , Had some issues to deal with , a part from having me seeds taken at customs , waiting on a new batch now which I hope to have next week . And can you please Link me when you post .

Thanks Hecno
Will do @hecno . sorry to hear about the beans . Hope they come through for you this time.

"carpe diem"