What what... :yoinks: i lost my chance? Am i too late for my entry?

Absolutely not too late for entry...please check out the rules on page 1 post 1
Morning [HASHTAG]#OutdoorGladiators[/HASHTAG] :amazon:

Since we are approaching the [HASHTAG]#DawnoftheBattle[/HASHTAG] ..
..could the [HASHTAG]#gladiatorTeamLeaders[/HASHTAG] step forward and Introduce their [HASHTAG]#TeamName[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#Team[/HASHTAG] members ..:warrior:..so we can prepare for the [HASHTAG]#battleahead[/HASHTAG]

Hey take a peak on page 1 post 1....we have teams all laid out, just need to figure out who wants to be team leader for team USA....so many amazing growers!!
Absolutely not too late for entry...please check out the rules on page 1 post 1

Hey take a peak on page 1 post 1....we have teams all laid out, just need to figure out who wants to be team leader for team USA....so many amazing growers!!

:bighug: [HASHTAG]#IKnewyouwereGood[/HASHTAG] :bighug:
@912GreenSkell so if i understand... i throw 1.5. 2017 my seeds in soil and then make photo every 14 day to end and post here picture? Can i participate with same plant also on FastBuds Grow Battle [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]? Thanks for your help couse i have little problems with my english :) but i try and try.... :toke:
@912GreenSkell so if i understand... i throw 1.5. 2017 my seeds in soil and then make photo every 14 day to end and post here picture? Can i participate with same plant also on FastBuds Grow Battle [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]? Thanks for your help couse i have little problems with my english :) but i try and try.... :toke:

Yep exactly...take a pic within the first week and then a pic up to 14 days until the plants are just before 30 days old. Then declare your entry plant and continue to take pics every 14 days or sooner until its finished. Best live cola and dried bud pic for the voting phase.
Yes you can use the same plant thats in the fast buds battle.

No worries on the english! Doing just fine bud...I will add you to team Europe?
mazar soaking up the rays. Not happy with her growth may just change to a sour liver or dinamex. Not sure yet she may take off. My soil mix is new havent gotten it figured out yet for seedlinga.

"carpe diem"

This is exactly why i made the 30 day entry choice rule. I knew when i made the rule it would increase complication, but i also knew the rule would come into play.
Yikes I forgot all about this contest guys. For some reason my alerts on it stopped. Probably too late to get in now ehhhh? I have some autos started in solo cups but are already pushing a week.