Yikes I forgot all about this contest guys. For some reason my alerts on it stopped. Probably too late to get in now ehhhh? I have some autos started in solo cups but are already pushing a week.

Nope not too late at all bud....as long as you meet the requirements on page 1 post 1 you are all good!!
Morning [HASHTAG]#OutdoorGladiators[/HASHTAG] :amazon:

Since we are approaching the [HASHTAG]#DawnoftheBattle[/HASHTAG] ..
..could the [HASHTAG]#gladiatorTeamLeaders[/HASHTAG] step forward and Introduce their [HASHTAG]#TeamName[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#Team[/HASHTAG] members ..:warrior:..so we can prepare for the [HASHTAG]#battleahead[/HASHTAG]


Today we had the first rain in weeks, the soil got wet and the dust then bound back to earth...the first seeds already sprouted thus are we preparing for battle! Knowing it will be rough and we not may all make it we seeked those who not fear, neither the sword of justice nor the dagger of the pulp thieves lurking, waiting for us to show weakness....in this battle for honor, glory and most important of all- Freedom! this inglorious knights have come up to the round table to fight for their territory!

Introducing the Knights of CET (CentralEuropeanTrichomes) who came together, unified under Brother C.O. THE FIRST

who will stand ground on both, Auto and Photoperiod...

@blowyourmind (auto)
@dafthandler (auto)
@Dr. Babnik (auto, photo)
@Slowmo (auto)
@Dave_Shorts? (auto)
@mr. stoned (auto)
@Bud Wiser UK (auto, photo)
@TheMongol (auto, photo)
@English Archer (auto, photo)
@brock1 (auto, photo)
@L0wbob2017 (auto)

@Belivitez (auto) arrived in the last minutes before the battle began as the 13th Warrior....


Thanks bro!!! :d5:

Yep team Europe :vibe:
This is exactly why i made the 30 day entry choice rule. I knew when i made the rule it would increase complication, but i also knew the rule would come into play.
It is not the size that matters anyway so I will decide soon . Lol thats why I like autos I dont have to flip them. I tend to keep them in veg longer than I should. Then I get pest problems if I do at times.
Worst pest to deal with imo is root aphids. Had mites , scales , aphids , catterpillars and leafminers . None have killed more plants than root aphids. Followed by mites which killed one plant I remember lol. Could've been the root aphids now that I think about it.
Damn , sorry rant over lol

"carpe diem"
I want to get in also,if i can???
I started fue days ago with photos and autos.
707 Headband
Blue dream
Amherst sour diesel
-Humbolt seeds
Jack Herrer
2 fast to vast
-Heavyweight seeds
;and in fue days i will start with
Super Stinky
Short stuff seeds
Whit this Super Stinky i got last year over 1200 grams from two plants.Real Super autos
I probably have to have only one plant,right?

Poslano sa mog SM-A300FU koristeći Tapatalk
Planting out this afternoon hopefully, just waiting for the rain to dry up a bit before I go out. I'll get some new pics up as well. Not 100% sure if I will be entering the San Fernando Lemon Kush, I might end up doing the Indigo Berry Kush or Strawberry Amnesia... either way I'll have a decision finalised on this by this evening once the girls are in the ground. I'll post my pic as soon as I have decided.

And I have a feeling I will be entering the Crystal Candy auto in the grow comp...

It is not the size that matters anyway so I will decide soon . Lol thats why I like autos I dont have to flip them. I tend to keep them in veg longer than I should. Then I get pest problems if I do at times.
Worst pest to deal with imo is root aphids. Had mites , scales , aphids , catterpillars and leafminers . None have killed more plants than root aphids. Followed by mites which killed one plant I remember lol. Could've been the root aphids now that I think about it.
Damn , sorry rant over lol

"carpe diem"

As much as our -20c winter do kind of suck, it decimates most outdoor pest bugs....really a blessing in a cold white disguise!!
@ljacve55 - For sure you can join!! Please review the rules on page 1 post 1. Need a pic the first week and every 14 days(up to 14 days) after that. You must select your choice plant(one photo and/or one auto) by the 30th day of her life and then continue to provide pics every 14 days until harvest. Votes will be based on a dried bud and a living cola/bud pic. Let me know after you check out the rules if you qualify to be in. Awesome strain list!!

Planting out this afternoon hopefully, just waiting for the rain to dry up a bit before I go out. I'll get some new pics up as well. Not 100% sure if I will be entering the San Fernando Lemon Kush, I might end up doing the Indigo Berry Kush or Strawberry Amnesia... either way I'll have a decision finalised on this by this evening once the girls are in the ground. I'll post my pic as soon as I have decided.

And I have a feeling I will be entering the Crystal Candy auto in the grow comp...


After reading about the crystal candy, i tried to get some but the supply was out on both autos and photos(boooo!!), so i ended up with bloody skunk and cream mandarin for autos. Haha and the hard choices begin huh bud? I might make it easy on myself and simply choose the auto with the most crystal on day 29 :D Photo was easy as the Think Fast was a crystal monster....be a tough battle against colored strains though!! ;)

And here we go!!

Bam....10 auto seeds in paper towel....one of them will be my auto choice in around 30 days! Which one? Who knows? LOL

Even though i selected my official entry at birth and have been providing pics, now that she is almost 30 days old i would like to put out what i think is a perfect First Official Entry.

Day 28 Dutch Passion Think Fast PhotoPeriod

Day 6 Think Fast

Day 15 Think Fast(plant in foreground, non entry plant Blue Widow in background)

Day 27(pic taken today)

With this i can then reset the 14 day clock, and post another pic anytime before 14 days.

Today we had the first rain in weeks, the soil got wet and the dust then bound back to earth...the first seeds already sprouted thus are we preparing for battle! Knowing it will be rough and we not may all make it we seeked those who not fear, neither the sword of justice nor the dagger of the pulp thieves lurking, waiting for us to show weakness....in this battle for honor, glory and most important of all- Freedom! this inglorious knights have come up to the round table to fight for their territory!

Introducing the Knights of CET (CentralEuropeanTrichomes) who came together, unified under Brother C.O. THE FIRST

who will stand ground on both, Auto and Photoperiod...

@blowyourmind (auto)
@dafthandler (auto)
@Dr. Babnik (auto, photo)
@Slowmo (auto)
@Dave_Shorts? (auto)
@mr. stoned (auto)
@Bud Wiser UK (auto, photo)
@TheMongol (auto, photo)
@English Archer (auto, photo)
@brock1 (auto, photo)
@L0wbob2017 (auto)

@Belivitez (auto) arrived in the last minutes before the battle began as the 13th Warrior....


Team Eu Leader busting out some motivation, nice man!!!