Even though i selected my official entry at birth and have been providing pics, now that she is almost 30 days old i would like to put out what i think is a perfect First Official Entry.
Day 28 Dutch Passion Think Fast PhotoPeriod
Day 6 Think Fast
Day 15 Think Fast(plant in foreground, non entry plant Blue Widow in background)
Day 27(pic taken today)
With this i can then reset the 14 day clock, and post another pic anytime before 14 days.

Ahhhh ... sneaky. Didn't know you could do that? ... wait until day 28 before OFFICIALLY entering..!!!! Is there a second Official entry, sometime around September then? :crying:
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So,only one entry-i have to deside will it be auto or photo.
It will be photo.
I will deside when i visit my plants in a fue days.This is guerilla grow.I will probably go with 707 Headband or Amherst sour diesel.Will let you now in couple of days.Is that Ok?

Poslano sa mog SM-A300FU koristeći Tapatalk
So,only one entry-i have to deside will it be auto or photo.
It will be photo.
I will deside when i visit my plants in a fue days.This is guerilla grow.I will probably go with 707 Headband or Amherst sour diesel.Will let you now in couple of days.Is that Ok?

Poslano sa mog SM-A300FU koristeći Tapatalk
No you can do auto and photo . If you have both that is

"carpe diem"

Today we had the first rain in weeks, the soil got wet and the dust then bound back to earth...the first seeds already sprouted thus are we preparing for battle! Knowing it will be rough and we not may all make it we seeked those who not fear, neither the sword of justice nor the dagger of the pulp thieves lurking, waiting for us to show weakness....in this battle for honor, glory and most important of all- Freedom! this inglorious knights have come up to the round table to fight for their territory!

Introducing the Knights of CET (CentralEuropeanTrichomes) who came together, unified under Brother C.O. THE FIRST

who will stand ground on both, Auto and Photoperiod...

@blowyourmind (auto)
@dafthandler (auto)
@Dr. Babnik (auto, photo)
@Slowmo (auto)
@Dave_Shorts? (auto)
@mr. stoned (auto)
@Bud Wiser UK (auto, photo)
@TheMongol (auto, photo)
@English Archer (auto, photo)
@brock1 (auto, photo)
@L0wbob2017 (auto)

@Belivitez (auto) arrived in the last minutes before the battle began as the 13th Warrior....


Today 2 Red Dragons joined the EU side :shooty:
So,only one entry-i have to deside will it be auto or photo.
It will be photo.
I will deside when i visit my plants in a fue days.This is guerilla grow.I will probably go with 707 Headband or Amherst sour diesel.Will let you now in couple of days.Is that Ok?

Poslano sa mog SM-A300FU koristeći Tapatalk

@islandgrower is correct, you can have one photo and one auto entry.
Got my Photos sprouted and put in soil, so far 11 out of 12 popped and 3 took 2days+, got the Autos wet 2 and will post pics as soon as i get my cam working. Looking good so far! @Slowmo nice, wheres the rest of our brothers in arms? still with the maids i guess...