:yeahthat:Good weed need to be covered in silicon sand to give a twinkle and sprayed with blueberry scents after harvest lol. I know a commercial grower that would do just that bork.

God never grow under a street light in a foil lined room. God never got confused with weed and sand ether lol.
I love all types of growing herb...but i LOVE sun grown grass. I find that outdoor green messes me up quite a bit more than indoor grown weed, and i am not the only one. My friend(that has been smoking weed for 50 years) gets the same effect from outdoor grown weed.
I love all types of growing herb...but i LOVE sun grown grass. I find that outdoor green messes me up quite a bit more than indoor grown weed, and i am not the only one. My friend(that has been smoking weed for 50 years) gets the same effect from outdoor grown weed.
Don't get me wrong indoor is great mate. I love growing good indoor weed. I see it like this though. Seeing a fat lion in a cage at a zoo is good but seeing a bloody lion running wild in its natural environment is bloody beter. Same with weed. Weed in a grow room if good but in it's natural outdoor environment is awsome. :growing:
Don't get me wrong indoor is great mate. I love growing good indoor weed. I see it like this though. Seeing a fat lion in a cage at a zoo is good but seeing a bloody lion running wild in its natural environment is bloody beter. Same with weed. Weed in a grow room if good but in it's natural outdoor environment is awsome. :growing:

yeah, thats really real. Wouldnt go for indoors if it was a better weather and more options on outdoor here...ok i lied. i would still do some indoor cause its fun. better than playing some video games'n'shit!
So here's where I am at with my outdoor herbs, dont mind the wrong data on my labels (if it appears in pics) i did writen 4th instead of 5th (month).

Here is how i started my Erdpurt photos -under the kitchen light since i did not have time to put up a tent- done by now.

Here they are already in the tent. It was the 1st of may when i put them inside.

The first head is up to the sky!
Now i been busy again since putting them it the tent. That same day i wetted the CBD Haze autos and some other beans (DP DurbanPoison photo/TTS Micron auto/LemonDieselX) -had to do a little dirty work since i was sloppy and had them to wet what caused the containers to show pre-mold and one Erdpurt (still underneath) died while transplanting since it was soaked with water and too soft to handle, five did already stand ready for growth over soil.
Took them out and mixed the wet with dry soil form CannTerra and put them in half size containers i just cut off and did not further wet the soil so they can recover from overmoist. Now i'll keep an eye on them every day.

Here are the 5 so-far-strongest Erdpurts over soil- they are really as dark as they appear here/ I will take my full 30 days to pick the leaders choice.

Saving Erdpurt seedlings from drowning in wet soil...messy orange me...

Here are the victims, the bottom right u can see died, broke at half.

The whole hustle with now 5xDurbanPoison in soil also (not battle relevant) in the green thing.
The way I look at it is outdoor the sun is free, growing medium is maybe £2 seeds anything from free to around £15. So if you get 4g dry of good bud your even Stevens. Anything more you in the green. Anything over a oz dry a plant your flying high. We all know home grown is always best anyway. :)
