@Bud Wiser UK I like this trinity style. That will be a nice comparison.

But i am even more curious about the MOB/Freezaland privatestock genetics, would you tell me anything about it and may even come up with some pics? Sounds like ruff outdoor genetics and i am really intrested in those, especially if they work good in the UK!
Thanks for sharing!
@Bud Wiser UK I like this trinity style. That will be a nice comparison.

But i am even more curious about the MOB/Freezaland privatestock genetics, would you tell me anything about it and may even come up with some pics? Sounds like ruff outdoor genetics and i am really intrested in those, especially if they work good in the UK!
Thanks for sharing!

The Feezelands were developed in Canada, I know very little about the Early MOBs.
The EPK x Serious 6 cross sounds good though, both parent strains are early finishers, so the hybrid should be the same, and they were developed here in the UK. :thumbsup:
Looking great so far @Bud Wiser UK ! Yep you got it...you have 30 days to pick your entry plant form birth, but you have to have a ppic in the first week and a pic every 14 days or less. Very interesting strains bud!! Very interested in seeing EPK X Serious 6, and the others you have as well!!

Here is my entry....foreground row far right, the think fast. Doing some experiments...using my typical monster training techniques on the think fast and doing just a standard topping on the rest. Far quicker side branch production on the monster trained plant so far.
Day 24
Here is my entry....foreground row far right, the think fast. Doing some experiments...using my typical monster training techniques on the think fast and doing just a standard topping on the rest. Far quicker side branch production on the monster trained plant so far.
Day 24
View attachment 741629

Not doing your usual plethora of autos again this year then boss? :worship:
Morning [HASHTAG]#OutdoorGladiators[/HASHTAG] :amazon:

Since we are approaching the [HASHTAG]#DawnoftheBattle[/HASHTAG] ..
..could the [HASHTAG]#gladiatorTeamLeaders[/HASHTAG] step forward and Introduce their [HASHTAG]#TeamName[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#Team[/HASHTAG] members ..:warrior:..so we can prepare for the [HASHTAG]#battleahead[/HASHTAG]