Hey guys...to all folks growing photoperiods plants, check this thread out if you are looking for some big buggers!
Always looking for input, good or bad...see something not explained well? Let me know!


Hey Outdoor-Doc,

some questions....soaked my outdoor seeds this evening( I´m a little bit late this year) and the autos will follow next week, should i do a single thread on the photosensitiv seeds/plants and the auto seeds/plants or do both together in one thread here on AFN....and from when does the 14 days upload be? From germination/planting in the pots or putting them outdoors?

Love AFN!

I decided to run just a single thread this season...between battles(here and single growoffs i am doing) i have my hands tied to run too many threads so i decided to run mine in a single thread. If you have time, you would likely get more responses overall from both a photo and auto thread of your season, with one thread being tin the photoperiod section and the other in outdoor auto.

So the first pic of an official entry should be between 1-7 days old and then every 14 days minimum after that. No entries will be official until you declare them at day 30 or before.
Let me use my think fast photoperiod as an example...i set my official entry early at day 4(didn't have to declare until day 30, but hey i feel confident!) which was on April 8th. 10 days later i posted another pic of my official entry...now i have up to 14 days to post my next pic. On the front page i have updated official entries with the dates of last received pics.

Going to have my hands full keeping up with the entry info, hopefully i can keep it all straight with minimal errors!! :D But please remember i am 98% fried when i am awake!

I have a very similar spring climate to you northern europeans...still weeks away for nice weather for me.
I take a leak and brush my teeth first. ;) :D
Don´t forget the ...
I'll start mine indoors the next days 2, will go outside by middle of next month. tonight we had some freezyfrost...hope weather will be good on time. Still much to do so illuse that time!
Nobody else has stepped up to be Eu team leader so i am editing you in now bud.

@L0wbob2017 - Been a couple of days, and nobody has pmed me, so you are in bud!! Good luck man! Adding to list now...auto only? or photo too?

Is there anything i have to do in duty of this Leadership? I am pretty sure most peoplewill just do their thing, just as me but if anything comes up just get at me!

Good luck Brothers&Sisters I am happy to be here an participate and i wish you all an outstanding outdoor grow this 2017 season, may the good devas be with all of us and bless all our sacred gardens with many fruits and less stress! :toke:

Edit: I see a free corner on my chest, may @Rebel (thanks the sanlight badge is finally up again!) bless me with another one...:pighug: some insignia type of. Talking outdoors growing, does anybody know BrownDirtWarrior's work? He once came up with pretty crazy outdoor footage of him doing his thing! May you check him out for some motivation!
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Nobody else has stepped up to be Eu team leader so i am editing you in now bud.

@L0wbob2017 - Been a couple of days, and nobody has pmed me, so you are in bud!! Good luck man! Adding to list now...auto only? or photo too?

my spots will be auto's only i think, maybe i will do 1 photo but i need to discuss this first.