@912GreenSkell okay, it will definitely be an Photoperiod Erdpurt from Ace and Auto: CBD Haze from Tao. What are the dutys of a team leader, i am intersted in doing that? If team EU members agree, i may take that position.
@Benjamin Squier
@Dr. Babnik
@mr. stoned
@Bud Wiser UK
@English Archer

Please reply to this message and tell us if you are okay with me as TEAMLEADER EU Outdoor-Comp '17

Sorry, I'm a USurper:biggrin::pass:
@912GreenSkell okay, it will definitely be an Photoperiod Erdpurt from Ace and Auto: CBD Haze from Tao. What are the dutys of a team leader, i am intersted in doing that? If team EU members agree, i may take that position.
@Benjamin Squier
@Dr. Babnik
@mr. stoned
@Bud Wiser UK
@English Archer

Please reply to this message and tell us if you are okay with me as TEAMLEADER EU Outdoor-Comp '17
Absolutely not.....how narcissistic!!! Only joking. Haha.

Sent from my Moto G Play using Tapatalk
Absolutely not.....how narcissistic!!! Only joking. Haha.

Sent from my Moto G Play using Tapatalk

Sorry guys...been caught up in real life stuff all this weekend!! Family dinners, and i also built a 6'X8' greenhouse for starting veggies!! A busy fellow!

@912GreenSkell okay, it will definitely be an Photoperiod Erdpurt from Ace and Auto: CBD Haze from Tao. What are the dutys of a team leader, i am intersted in doing that? If team EU members agree, i may take that position.
@Benjamin Squier
@Dr. Babnik
@mr. stoned
@Bud Wiser UK
@English Archer

Please reply to this message and tell us if you are okay with me as TEAMLEADER EU Outdoor-Comp '17

Hey sounds good to me...unless someone else form Europe thinks they have enough outdoor experience to go for team leader position? We'll give it a day or two and if nobody speaks up you are in bud. Good stuff.

Random time period update photo thing.
This Mandala Safari lady:
View attachment 734969

She's just getting the flowering stretch on now. About 35cm = 14" tall.
Just started 3rd week or flowering, after just 3 weeks veg.

Awesome looking good maria!! Jeez they flower fast down there don't they!!

hey! Is it too late? My season is very short, May-Oct

No way is it too late...we'll be accepting submissions all the way into june(possibly even later if guys are running short term autos). Was hoping we would see you in here pop22!! My actual outdoor growing season is last week of may to early oct...frost on either end likely, and snow in the fall a possibility for later flowering plants.

just my time window

sorry dude, i just copy pasted the EU team list, may some got mixed up!

Yeah sorry @Benjamin Squier will switch lists. Thanks for letting me know.
I love how team Europe and team USA almost have the same amount of members, and team north has almost the same amount as team south. Pretty cool how its working out!!

@AussieBogan - Hey bud...ive been thinking about the Souther hemisphere outdoor contest which would run in the winter(sept-??). Though i would have to clear it by administration, i could see it happening, assuming there is enough interest. Tell you what, show me there is enough members to join(minimum 5) and i will ask admin for clearance, and will also offer to host the contest.

That would be awesome! Where the Aussie's at?

I can hear crickets!

September is start of spring and if all is good I will donate 5 seeds for third prize, not sure which ones but time will tell!
That would be awesome! Where the Aussie's at?

I can hear crickets!

September is start of spring and if all is good I will donate 5 seeds for third prize, not sure which ones but time will tell!

You find contestants, i'll host it if we can get admin's approval! Good luck man, sorry the dates couldn't work out, but i had to draw the line somewhere.
Sorry guys...been caught up in real life stuff all this weekend!! Family dinners, and i also built a 6'X8' greenhouse for starting veggies!! A busy fellow!

Hey sounds good to me...unless someone else form Europe thinks they have enough outdoor experience to go for team leader position? We'll give it a day or two and if nobody speaks up you are in bud. Good stuff.

Awesome looking good maria!! Jeez they flower fast down there don't they!!

No way is it too late...we'll be accepting submissions all the way into june(possibly even later if guys are running short term autos). Was hoping we would see you in here pop22!! My actual outdoor growing season is last week of may to early oct...frost on either end likely, and snow in the fall a possibility for later flowering plants.

Yeah sorry @Benjamin Squier will switch lists. Thanks for letting me know.

If i was the most experienced Team EU got a problem :crying: but i got the passion and some Teamspirit!:dizzy: