You find contestants, i'll host it if we can get admin's approval! Good luck man, sorry the dates couldn't work out, but i had to draw the line somewhere.

I'm on a Australian forum called "oz stoners" don't be shy y'all! Come on over and say high!

shouldn't be hard to get a few Aussie growers up in here...
Blow Mind autoflowers (dutch outdoor grow)

Hey Master,

question on the told I will do different auto strains in different pots and soils, starting indoors and would like to give 6 pots of them to my friend @L0wbob2017 and he will take care of them till harvest... we will mixing soil of all together and I´ll do the first 2 weeks it allowed for him to enter the EU team as a single gladiator?

Hey Master,

question on the told I will do different auto strains in different pots and soils, starting indoors and would like to give 6 pots of them to my friend @L0wbob2017 and he will take care of them till harvest... we will mixing soil of all together and I´ll do the first 2 weeks it allowed for him to enter the EU team as a single gladiator?

Hmm...not sure i fully understand what you mean... i dont see a problem with the 2 weeks in your care thing, but @L0wbob2017[/USER] would have to have full control of the plant and enter his own entry on or before the plant is 30 days old.