Ah yes...okay geographic teams.
@hecno has been elected by team south to be the leader, and i have elected myself to be the team north leader(hope thats okay @Powerful14 and @captcold ?)

Team USA and team europe still need a team leader...i can either just assign someone to be the leader or i can leave it up to you guys to decide who is best suited to be leader...LMK what you guys think!

more than okay @912GreenSkell ill be awaiting instructions
@912GreenSkell looking for the fruitsalad of ganja . Haha add in a watermelon and cantaloupe scent as well . And some mango and passion fruit and pineapple for the tropical scents

"carpe diem"

I had a watermelon a couple of times...never had cantaloupe. Had tremendous mango smells in BCSeedKings BC Mango, and also had a nice mango smell on DP's Colorado Cookies...interesting the first CC i cut had an incredible minty chocolate smell with a hint of fruit, and the second one had a similar smell on and off with fruit, but by the time i harvested the smell shifted to mango with no chocolate lime present.

Not trying to spam, but i justsaw i got listed for the outdoor comp so i'll announce at least the 2 strains i'll definitley grow:
and if i find space i'll do some DURBAN POISON from DUTCH PASSION and some MAZAR-I-SHARIF from THE REAL SEED COMPANY also.
and some cross of the MICRON AUTO from TOP TAO SEEDS

OH not spamming at all bud! Though of course you can only choose a single plant for your Auto and Photo choice. Please review the rules bud. Interesting choices, excited to see how they grow!


My primary and secondary choises are ready.

Primary plant is White jem by @FullDuplex. If it is a male, Zenseeds Auto Limonade takes its place.

El Fugo del Shiva x Orange Assault @tobe. No. 1 is my primary choise. If it turns out male, I hope No. 2 is female and can take its place.

Looking great so far!! Let me know when you see signs of sex if you need a strain change.

Hot Dog! +50 posts, and a hankering to pop some beans!

Yeah cool stuff bud! I noticed a couple of days ago you met the requirements. Nice.
Those r some beautiful looking buds man!!......uh oh may have a little competition here .....lol Great looking stuff tho bro for sure thumbs up!!

Oh i can assure you will certainly have some competition here bud!! A bud from my think fast from last season

Well, that will be a new experience for Maria.............................. @@

Now I'm wondering how you got the mooses to piss in them........

I'm sure you do. I want your DPs...

Hahaha :D Here in the great white north we can drive 20 minutes and buy a liter of moose piss for $20 at the hunting store. ;) Yeah we are a wild bunch of northerners!! I have almost a full line of DP autos up for grabs as well as some bomb, dinafem, sweet and a whack of portal stock.
Hope you have better fortune with the Top Tao seeds than me.
I wonder if something in my seedling soil mix made them stunted and flower so fast.
The aroma is nice, though. And the calyxes are really quite large!!

I was a little sad and disappointed seeing them not working good for you. I've done TopTao genetics twice and besides issues that does not have anything to do with the seeds i could not complain. But lets see how my CBD Haze Auto is going. To me it looked like you just put them in the dirt somewhere..? What soil mix did you use?
@912GreenSkell okay, it will definitely be an Photoperiod Erdpurt from Ace and Auto: CBD Haze from Tao. What are the dutys of a team leader, i am intersted in doing that? If team EU members agree, i may take that position.
@Benjamin Squier
@Dr. Babnik
@mr. stoned
@Bud Wiser UK
@English Archer

Please reply to this message and tell us if you are okay with me as TEAMLEADER EU Outdoor-Comp '17
Clock as 4- :astar: General is okay with me.
I was a little sad and disappointed seeing them not working good for you. I've done TopTao genetics twice and besides issues that does not have anything to do with the seeds i could not complain. But lets see how my CBD Haze Auto is going. To me it looked like you just put them in the dirt somewhere..? What soil mix did you use?

Haha, a little sad about it myself. Nah, not really. They were freebies, nothing ventured nothing gained.
I think the problem was the grow, not the seeds / genetics.

And... I will have seeds from them!!! I already picked one, thinking it would be very green, but it actually looks viable.
Leave them for another week or two, and I'll have a few dozen seeds.


I started them indoors under lights, but they were very small right from the start, looked like maybe a pH issue.
Then they flowered at the 3rd or 4th node, straight away. And these are supposed to be photos, not autos...
So, just put them outside in some 8L holes I dug, filled with second hand soil, so not ideal, maybe pH not perfect.
Some local coco / coil / mushroom compost mix (pH supposed to be 6), plus some potash (pH about 8) and a handful of dolomite lime (pH 7).
Now that you mention guava . That smell is just a like a jamaican bagseed I have in flower on week 8 I think. Couldnt put my finger on it does hint guava . Thanks will look into northern lights when I want to start a little breeding haha.

"carpe diem"

So many modern strains, esp Dutch, seem to have some NL in them.
Just adds so much bulk. It's also an easy strain, and a nice high, balanced for an indica.
@912GreenSkell okay, it will definitely be an Photoperiod Erdpurt from Ace and Auto: CBD Haze from Tao. What are the dutys of a team leader, i am intersted in doing that? If team EU members agree, i may take that position.
@Benjamin Squier
@Dr. Babnik
@mr. stoned
@Bud Wiser UK
@English Archer

Please reply to this message and tell us if you are okay with me as TEAMLEADER EU Outdoor-Comp '17
OK MR. CLOCK.....do it:pass: