When do my beans have to be in the ground by and when do they have to be finished?

There is no limitation on either start date(as long as the seed was started on jan 1st or later and there is pics every 14 days to back it up) or finish. Mother nature makes the call when they will flower depending on your location!!!
I hope to be finished voting photoperiod strains around early-mid November. Hoping early September for autos.
Looks good to me!!! I'll probably start my seeds at the end of April/beginning of May indoors, and then move them outside once my veggie garden is established, typically around Memorial Day-ish.. If we keep getting this mild weather, it may be sooner!!
150gal?? Go big or go ho....... What about a 50gal drum?? lol

Hahaha might be slight overkill for an auto! :D I run my photos in insanely large holes. My best spot has over 10feet X 10 feet X 18" deep to expand roots, and the lowest of the 4 plants have 6 feet X 6 feet holes per plant. Not idea how many gallons but its a lot!!

@Ripper - hmm 10 gallon...not sure is it a big auto strain indoor?...only see a couple grown