Hammer-time ...


Crush me ...! :headbang:
Think Big is notorious for her 'second wind' .. blackstrap molasses adds a sugar content at the root level and acts as a chelating agent, helps them absorb nutes, as does Cal/Mag supplements ... you want to boost her as much as poss now ... last chance salon imho.:toke: Good luck dude ..:cheers:
Thank you for that Mr. Wiser. Ima gonna see what I can findo pronto :cheers: :pass:
Same here bro im in Western maryland n its been like a rain forest in the Appalachian mountains this year horrible humidity!
We got lucky today. That massive storm system that was coming out of the Midwest thru Ohio cut south and dipped into West Virginia missing us for the most part. We got some light rain but nothing like they had anticipated. Should be moving thru your neck of the woods now.

Think Big is notorious for her 'second wind' .. blackstrap molasses adds a sugar content at the root level and acts as a chelating agent, helps them absorb nutes, as does Cal/Mag supplements ... you want to boost her as much as poss now ... last chance salon imho.:toke: Good luck dude ..:cheers:

If trying to boost a couple ladies on a reservoir (autopots) how much molasses would you use per liter/gallon to top feed them? I

Mr Dankstyle sir ... I would trade one of my testicles to live in Oregon .. :thumbsup:
At my age I might sacrifice both to live in a legal grow state. I don't think there would be major health issues with becoming an eunuch at sixty. :crying: I'll just smoke more medicine! :pass: