I'm a little twitchy about adding stuff this late. There's no amber yet that I can see, I think she's got another couple of weeks in front of her :D I've never tried molasses. Gonna look it up. I'm really inexperienced when it comes to fertilizing and additives. I've done organic for the entire grow, only fed some p/k for a week around Day 55-60, otw I let the plant just use the soil. I might wait a little before more defol - it looks like there's some more nutes/sugars the plant wants and can get from them

Think Big is notorious for her 'second wind' .. blackstrap molasses adds a sugar content at the root level and acts as a chelating agent, helps them absorb nutes, as does Cal/Mag supplements ... you want to boost her as much as poss now ... last chance salon imho.:toke: Good luck dude ..:cheers:
Skelly Og in the heat of Oregon