Interesting Thread :) Here's a pic of my outdoor Afghan Express Auto at 7 1/2 weeks and 2 1/2 ft tall; since it looks like you guys and gals would like to see a photo even if not in the competition. Good Luck.
IMG_4226 (2).JPG
Hokey dokey .. @912GreenSkell .. my competition entry, auto category, AutoBrooklyn Sunrise ... BS2 on my stockcode list, and BS2 on my contenders list ..! Shoulda, woulda, couda ... eh? :biggrin:
Harvest day .. day 86. (That's 12 weeks and 2 days in old money).


BS2-day86-harvest-2.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-3.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-4.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-5.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-6.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-7.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-8.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-9.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-10.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-11.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-12.jpg BS2-day86-harvest-13.jpg

What do you need from me now? Dried budshot? A Scratch-o-rama card? An invite? :smoking:
That's my auto entry done and in the bag ... now it's time to bring on the big guns. :vibe:
My Photoperiod entry next ...

@912GreenSkell ... it's me again..!! :biggrin:

My Photoperiod entry, now with Pit Upgrade.
Turned-over soil with amendments ...


A pH check, add some dolomite lime (calmag + :thumbsup:) ... the bucket contains a gallon of water and about 4 big handfuls of well-rotted horse shit, 8 year-old vintage in this case! :biggrin:


I'm using Empathy Bulb Starter in the hole ... just check the ingredients:
Designed around the recognised rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi, Empathy Bulb Starter also includes vermiculite to ensure good drainage in the root zone and seaweed meal as a source of natural auxins to stimulate root development.
The product also contains humates as a source of organic acids for both the treated bulb and soil microorganisms.
Sounded good to me, so I bought shit-loads from Wilco's end-of-season sale last year .. paid £12 for £36 worth of heaven..! :greencheck:

A short time later ..

Another quick pH check ...

I can forget about pH now .. all good and in the ball-park.
So, Exit The Dragon ... Enter The Maverick ....!!!! :cools:

(Not strictly true, the Dragon's still Kung-Fu'ing in the g/h .. and James Garner has yet to make an entrance!) :biggrin:
Next auto to come down will be the Cookies in the pit ...

Anyway, the autos are nearly all finished .. so now it's Photo time ...

On the left ...
Maverick x CBG Durban (pit)
Iranian Auto x Maine's Own Blueberry x OG Kush (pot)

Centre, in buckets:
Jamaican bagseed (front)
Della - Durban Poison x Cinderella C99 (back)

Up on the shelf:
5 x Serious Six / Early Purple Kush seedlings .. I need a male!
4 x Serious Six / Early Purple Kush female clones ... for breeding.
4 x Jamaican clones ... also for breeding, and hopefully keep a mother going.
1 x Double Black ... Black Domina feminised.
1 x Purple Haze ... for mothering or breeding, whichever comes first! :eyebrows:

And who's got the enviable task of shagging this lot?

Say hello to my stud, 'Taliban' ..! :biggrin:
He's an Auto Afghan Kush x Mi5 x Auto Mazar ... hence the name! :headbang:


Aaaaand there's loads more goin' on .. this is just in the greenhouse. :toke:
I'd give her some bloom and boost, & blackstrap molasses ... leave her for another fortnight ... she'll still continue to beef-up, take her past 100 if you can. :thumbsup:
I'm a little twitchy about adding stuff this late. There's no amber yet that I can see, I think she's got another couple of weeks in front of her :D I've never tried molasses. Gonna look it up. I'm really inexperienced when it comes to fertilizing and additives. I've done organic for the entire grow, only fed some p/k for a week around Day 55-60, otw I let the plant just use the soil. I might wait a little before more defol - it looks like there's some more nutes/sugars the plant wants and can get from them