@912GreenSkell ....

Official Photoperiod entry.
Maverick x CBG Durban Semi-auto at 27 days.
Still waiting for full confirmation, but this one's looking like a girl, so I'll wait no longer ...


6 pages...........:yoinks:

well ive been tryin to get my mitts on some colours.. had it and it sliped away with the reds...
so I like colour... but I'm a green grape kinda guy... anyone else..?? realisticly I'm not even 1/10th of the way threw tasting all the different grapes lmao... theres thousands I think

Green...:d5:..Surprises me.
My Favourite grape is an off season import...:coffee:..it is usually stamped Africa..the grapes are small compared to normal..the colour is intense black and they Pop when you bite through them.

cool thing I'm watching.. been feeding the birds some high energy seed...
they are ripping threw the bugs in my garden right now... awesome!!!

They'd Love canna seed...:coffee:

Is that your advice @Mossy ? ... I've found another since then, and there's bound to be one or two more hiding somewhere. :cooldance:
I was thinking of taking her down tomorrow, my main concern being the rather large Brooklyn Sunrise .. just a few feet away and still looking very fertile. :eek1:

If I had time I'd be watching and pulling the bananas as they show.
If I had virgins to protect I'd probably kill it...:headbang:..a little pollen can go a mighty long way.
Doesn't take much to fill a pram.

It's better late than never sorry about the late response but this is them as of today they like a huge jungle I need to start with Bloom nutes now

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They are filling those pots out Well...:headbang:

Ahh stone dragon...i was gonna say...never seen colour on moonstone amnesia!

What's in Moonstone Amnesia..I'm not uptodate with the current crosses..?

@Mossy - i have a larger scale mixing bubble hash tutorial already finished in the hash making section. So far i dont think anyone has used it though. Wow grapes!! We make grape jelly out of concord grape our neighbour grows.

Bummer about the Tutorial..:bighug:..

Thanks my friend .. I don't know for sure, I'll give the girl a good going over tomorrow and take it from there.
If I can, I'll remove them all .. give her another week to finish, be a shame not to at this late stage, eh?



Cool...however....a single plant (one allowed for photo and one for auto) was supposed to be chosen at day 30 or before...not really sure where to go with this one. :shrug:

Your Comp your Rules..:d5:..

If its just a couple...i personally wouldnt chop early, i'd just check a plant every day and pluck 'em.


Hello all Gladiators, i'm so sorry for not answering all participatents, but this little, little broken bone makes me spend much time in dayli life, i have to plan 3 to 4 times more than normal, but TheMongol doesn't take care the pain, fixing his feet strong and takes care of his beautys every morning and yesterday he brought home his first 2 harvested plants...2 +Speeds did it pretty well...
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Hapoy Growing All Gladiators...i just plan the next OutdoorSeason!

You are a [HASHTAG]#gladiator[/HASHTAG] @TheMongol :amazon:..we Laugh at Pain..
BTW.. @budelee is back rockin the staffroom..:thumbsup:

with ruit juice...

Fruit juice..?...why fruit juice..

I certainly did...i chose the think fast at day 1, and dankstyle did as well. Everyone had until day 30 to make thier choice There is some exceptions in the rules for regular non sexed seed. Yeah i know, kind of a shit rule :D Next year there will be a complete change in rules.

Yeah..that's why I'm Chilled about them..:d5:..what we Learn this year will set the Rules for the 2018 [HASHTAG]#outdoorautophotogrowbattle[/HASHTAG]

Yes when i made the ruleset i didnt think at all about multipot plant outs. Let me think about the best way to handle this one...i am thinking to pick a plant now and mark it with a tape or something on the stalk..

Tie a Pink ribbon on it.....:coffee:..I grow in multi-pots too..

Id like to hear what everyone thinks about the multipot situation.... @Mossy @StickMan , @hecno , @ClockworkOrange (if clockwork is gone, we might need a new europe team leader? mossy? ;) )

@ClockworkOrange s account was still there yesterday...but he hadn't visited since early June.
No-one seems to know Why..:shrug:

make it like those paper cone watercooler cups... https://www.bing.com/images/search?...0259720888&selectedindex=1&ajaxhist=0&first=1
you'll need a stapler too and remove leaves around the bunches... light penetration.. shabba!!!

2 hours I have been bush trimming today.....:coffee:..in 38C...
I took out all the leaves that were over hanging bunch sites..and did some extra tie in for the heavy bunches..50% done...so when the August humidity hits I'll have good airflow..:headbang:

Every bunch has it's own patch of blue sky now..

whatever it is.... must be ripped!!!
look at that frost!!!

:coffee: [HASHTAG]#fastbuds girl scout cookies[/HASHTAG] she is a Show off..her pistils have the density of the famous Whites..but she is buttermilk..which makes her stand out even more.

The GG is as advanced..but she is a Hider..not appreciated until she is Naked...:dancer:

I know this ain't plant related, but just wanted to show off the ride I just got!
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[HASHTAG]#Need4Wheels[/HASHTAG] :headbang:..Nice....
GSC on the left GG on the right..See the difference in how they Show their bud.
GSC is the Slapper..she has it all out on show..



I notice the canna med hound has been in nibbling fans too...so I'm Expecting good things..:coffee:
Lovely phrase there @Mossy ... "doesn't take much to fill a pram"..! :biggrin:

Taken yours and Skelly's advice ... removed the couple I found, went over the rest of the plant with a magnifier, couldn't see any more.
Leaving it now, let it run it's course.
It'll be what it'll be.

Thanks @Mossy

Gladiators have to do what they are made for and they will not rest until it's done...

one moment i really was in a negative mood and just wanted to quit like thinking " lost", but it was my wife encouraging me and she said: " Babe, all your work so far gone, where is your proud?"

She knows me pretty well and i'm trained handling pain and fixed my leg and do my job...in 2 days it's done!

BTW, at this point i have to honor @L0wbob2017 without my townbuddi his helpfull hands i would not have done it alone, thanks buddi!:bighug::cheers::worship::headbang:

Fruit juice? It's Root juice from BioBizz, LOL!


@budelee is back in the track, that's great news, you are the Rocker of the Puncher, the Ayatola of the Rocka Rolla, the King of the Canna Sadists and the best Mentor on AFN in my opinion!

Half an hour ago transplanted the first of two Frisian Dews in a well prepared 140 Liter growbag...


Lovely phrase there @Mossy ... "doesn't take much to fill a pram"..! :biggrin:

Taken yours and Skelly's advice ... removed the couple I found, went over the rest of the plant with a magnifier, couldn't see any more.
Leaving it now, let it run it's course.
It'll be what it'll be.


As long as you are vigilant it shouldnt be a problem,...i had a DP Blueberry major stalk split twice and she late stage hermied...i pulled as many sacs as i could find, but i knew i missed some....i found maybe 40-60 seed in 90 ounces of pot. Full on acceptable.

@Mossy - Sorry not sure whats in moonstone amnesia...i burned through so many portal strains this winter i cant remember :D Really a fantastic toke on the moonstone amnesia though!! So its the only strain to actually help with headaches on a fairly consistent basis...definitely growing more next winter! Yeah we will work on the rules for next...gotta try some fastbuds!! Seeing too many amazing plants coming from them!!

@Need4Weed - Nice ride bud!

@Bud Wiser - Maverick X CBG Durban looks excellent bud!! Updated

@goodgrace87 - hey no problem...if you can when you take pics, try to get the target plant in the frame as much as you can...easier said than done. ;)

@L0wbob2017 - Wow!! She is beastly!! Great job bud!! Hats off you helping out mongol man. Repped

@TheMongol - Good to hear you are overcoming your foot injury friend!! Hats off to @budelee for helping out mongol!