I Wonder if growers who prefer coloured bud like black grapes better than green
well ive been tryin to get my mitts on some colours.. had it and it sliped away with the reds...
so I like colour... but I'm a green grape kinda guy... anyone else..?? realisticly I'm not even 1/10th of the way threw tasting all the different grapes lmao... theres thousands I think

cool thing I'm watching.. been feeding the birds some high energy seed...
they are ripping threw the bugs in my garden right now... awesome!!!
Oh Wow..a very distinct banana...:shooty:..you just going to kill it and keep an eye on here...?

Is that your advice @Mossy ? ... I've found another since then, and there's bound to be one or two more hiding somewhere. :cooldance:
I was thinking of taking her down tomorrow, my main concern being the rather large Brooklyn Sunrise .. just a few feet away and still looking very fertile. :eek1:
It's better late than never sorry about the late response but this is them as of today they like a huge jungle I need to start with Bloom nutes now

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@Arthur - Nice bud...updated!

:smoking: Dr.B'-- do you have a soil pH for me? Is your water high ppm/EC? In GS's case, there were some odd necrotic patches on the new leaves, a helpful co-symptom for diagnosing,.. B defc. is so rare, not well documented in pics I've found.. you're lacks these dead spots, and has an overall paleness,.. N defc. always hit lowers first and worst as it's very mobile within the plant... Yours might be S defc. starting,... the leaf curls seems consistent over her growth (I have a girl doing this too), and I think the leaves are slightly crinkled as well, top tp bottom-?.. something I'd likely chalk up to genetics,... often as not, plants with these odd maladies don't thrive well,.. this is in Biotabs you say?l And you've been foliar treating with a dedicated micronutrient supplement?

Exactly why i dont like to make calls on deficiencies!! :D

@Jraven - Wow that moonstone amnesia sure is a beauty!! Ahh stone dragon...i was gonna say...never seen colour on moonstone amnesia!

@Slowmo - the unknown dragon looks great bud/!!

@Mossy - i have a larger scale mixing bubble hash tutorial already finished in the hash making section. So far i dont think anyone has used it though. Wow grapes!! We make grape jelly out of concord grape our neighbour grows.

@Bud Wiser UK -Doh!! A few late stage nanners...too much flower to pick em off? Bud looks tremendous

@goodgrace87 - Ahh good!! I was just about to review your posts to make sure i didnt miss an update from you...otherwise it would have been an elimination!! Lucky i am falling behind a bit, or this would have happened yesterday! Which plant is the actual entry? Updated
@Arthur - Nice bud...updated!

Exactly why i dont like to make calls on deficiencies!! :D

@Jraven - Wow that moonstone amnesia sure is a beauty!! Ahh stone dragon...i was gonna say...never seen colour on moonstone amnesia!

@Slowmo - the unknown dragon looks great bud/!!

@Mossy - i have a larger scale mixing bubble hash tutorial already finished in the hash making section. So far i dont think anyone has used it though. Wow grapes!! We make grape jelly out of concord grape our neighbour grows.

@Bud Wiser UK -Doh!! A few late stage nanners...too much flower to pick em off? Bud looks tremendous

@goodgrace87 - Ahh good!! I was just about to review your posts to make sure i didnt miss an update from you...otherwise it would have been an elimination!! Lucky i am falling behind a bit, or this would have happened yesterday! Which plant is the actual entry? Updated
I grew 5 power plant photos from sensible premium seeds and I grew out 5 urkles autos from sensible premium seeds

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Last edited:
@Bud Wiser UK -Doh!! A few late stage nanners...too much flower to pick em off? Bud looks tremendous

Thanks my friend .. I don't know for sure, I'll give the girl a good going over tomorrow and take it from there.
If I can, I'll remove them all .. give her another week to finish, be a shame not to at this late stage, eh?

I grew 5 power plant photos from sensible premium seeds and I grew out 5 articles from sensible premium seeds

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Cool...however....a single plant (one allowed for photo and one for auto) was supposed to be chosen at day 30 or before...not really sure where to go with this one. :shrug:
Thanks my friend .. I don't know for sure, I'll give the girl a good going over tomorrow and take it from there.
If I can, I'll remove them all .. give her another week to finish, be a shame not to at this late stage, eh?


If its just a couple...i personally wouldnt chop early, i'd just check a plant every day and pluck 'em.
Cool...however....a single plant (one allowed for photo and one for auto) was supposed to be chosen at day 30 or before...not really sure where to go with this one. :shrug:
If this is any consolation all the photos share the same pot and all the autos share the same pot , but they are basically the same strain receiving the same nutrients because they're all together

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Hello all Gladiators, i'm so sorry for not answering all participatents, but this little, little broken bone makes me spend much time in dayli life, i have to plan 3 to 4 times more than normal, but TheMongol doesn't take care the pain, fixing his feet strong and takes care of his beautys every morning and yesterday he brought home his first 2 harvested plants...2 +Speeds did it pretty well...


Hapoy Growing All Gladiators...i just plan the next OutdoorSeason!