Morning [HASHTAG]#gladiators[/HASHTAG] :vibe:..we are under a massive thunder storm..:hookah:..smoke one for me Girls..
We get very little rain here at all..but when it comes it is torrential.

Lovely Green @912GreenSkell ...:bravo:

Fawk..that thunder was right in me lug'ole....:holymoly:

Looks as if she is Loving it..I Do find there are crosses that prefer colder climes...:headbang:..I Know @arcticsun was extreme climes and he said it was Surprising how many regular autos he could grow without probs..:headbang:

Looks Evil @StickMan an Adorable way...:hookah:....:biggrin:

I'll let you know on the GSC..if she works for my meds..she works for your meds... :dragon2:..ATM..she is still Developing Perfume..and I smell something underlying.

The GG on the other hand I would say is a [HASHTAG]#Painkiller[/HASHTAG] even now.
She is Earthy Lemon Sherbet..strait up to tickle the back of you nose...:headbang:..I Know that pain-killer..and how ever much she matures..if that is In from the start...I'd Bet me Boots on her...
But..they are my First and I don't know how phenotypical.

@dankstyle J ..she looks like the one I call Tropical Sunset..:headbang:..all the sunset colours on one plant..lush..

Always [HASHTAG]#lookonthebrightside[/HASHTAG] :headbang: Life gets so much Easier...

I couldn't afford my meds if I had to Buy it ..:headbang:

I Thought we would be too..on the supply route....but it is like a Desert 'round here for good quality


The Things we do for our Hobby....:pighug:..[HASHTAG]#trooper[/HASHTAG] :d5:



Love the [HASHTAG]#deepchunk[/HASHTAG] and anything kinda girls..

Nope..I've Heard nowt..better check in Globals...:shrug:

Very excited about the skelly Og its pure pre soviet afghani blood line gave it a super fast flowering time I heard 45 days ,the legend og in it has the typical 70 days ,seems I got a phenotype that will go around 57 days indoors ,the bubbas gift which is very fast at flowering and is also a very nice strain and has a flowering time under 60 days .The skelly has huge tricomes and appears almost greasy looking ,all the buds from the bottom to to are rock hard they look almost wet ,strong lemon pine .
My weekly pic from this morning
Sweet. Looks like they are indeed living up to their name.

Found another fucking hermi yesterday. Think I will still have plenty.
Crazy bro my BB auto in flower just went n checked on her n she's full of seeds!!! Never had one do that to me not sure if it was the bad weather or what ....smh just crazy!!
I think the indoor skelly og is very nice ,can't wait to see her flower outside and produce mega flowers and a chance to test the different genotypes ,I love the look of outdoor plants really brings out the beautiful colors ,flavors and terps .
Hi friends here's the Moonstone Amnesia that I withdrew from the show cause of the stunting (all my plants were stunted from this group) but she's a pretty little thing lol

So we also have had awful growing weather. I've been plying my trade of commercial fishing so i'm away from the plants mostly and also it's hard to keep up here but everyones plants look good love to see it. It's amazing what autos can do in tough conditions.:cheers: good growing to you all.
Hi friends here's the Moonstone Amnesia that I withdrew from the show cause of the stunting (all my plants were stunted from this group) but she's a pretty little thing lolView attachment 777115 View attachment 777116View attachment 777117
So we also have had awful growing weather. I've been plying my trade of commercial fishing so i'm away from the plants mostly and also it's hard to keep up here but everyones plants look good love to see it. It's amazing what autos can do in tough conditions.:cheers: good growing to you all.
She looks very tasty
:smoking: Dr.B'-- do you have a soil pH for me? Is your water high ppm/EC? In GS's case, there were some odd necrotic patches on the new leaves, a helpful co-symptom for diagnosing,.. B defc. is so rare, not well documented in pics I've found.. you're lacks these dead spots, and has an overall paleness,.. N defc. always hit lowers first and worst as it's very mobile within the plant... Yours might be S defc. starting,... the leaf curls seems consistent over her growth (I have a girl doing this too), and I think the leaves are slightly crinkled as well, top tp bottom-?.. something I'd likely chalk up to genetics,... often as not, plants with these odd maladies don't thrive well,.. this is in Biotabs you say?l And you've been foliar treating with a dedicated micronutrient supplement?
Morning [HASHTAG]#outdoorgladiators[/HASHTAG] :headbang:

here was my potential until 2 weeks of terrible tornados and floods lmao... so I started another... I'm gonna watch it for a week or two and that'll most likely be my auto pick locked in...
but it pulled threw and may be a beast... 3 weeks in the pics.. had a harsh birth i'd say.. love it...
View attachment 776581
View attachment 776578
side by side with the mo's cross.. week an a bit behind it... hense the new one...
View attachment 776583

oh ya, the dinafem blue kush auto.. genes are strong with this one... edit** just went out for smoke.. looks like rain coming.. and theres lil white hairs on the dinafem, choice!
plus the new guys getting some brand new promix... and it came out purple on the undersides of leaf.. @dankstyle J did that purple one u had look like that when it popped?

@Slowmo you getting hit with that humidity I keep seeing... so much mold in the forums these days

They have lovely Healthy Green..:headbang:..Outdoor green.

I stick to the hand held kitchen mixer. Tried to use the food processor, but made a mess in a second.

I get everything out in 3-5 runs. This run was with fresh frozen bud, because I just wanted home made hash ASAP. My regular procedure is to dry the material to crisp, take the finest kif using a 120 my screen to make real hash....

...then take out the rest with ice water.

My first try after being thaught by Mr. @Slowmo was to use the drill with mixing tool. That was way too powerfull...weed, water and ice cubes was all over the place.

Next time you do it..knock me up a tutorial that we can use for new growers...:d5:..please..

An update, Mr. @912GreenSkell.

Shiva in her old 6,5 L pot.

Transplanted to 11 L, tied down and supercropped.

The poor girl has been served a healthy, anti-stess meal.

Nashira is still petite and pale. 'Skell - you think this may be a mutant?
She can't tolerate more nitrate.

Wow..Shiva is a Big the feeling I have seen her Type before...and she is a PITA trim..:coffee:..I could be wrong..but I'm sure I know that Face..:biggrin:

The flowering plant and the intended mother plant which I named Our Mother of Perpetual Help :angel:. I thought it was a befitting title for the Mother of Hash Plants.

[HASHTAG]#ourmotherofperpetualhelp[/HASHTAG] ..hashtag it..:d5:

Not quite sure where you're coming from with this question?
I don't medicate, I get baked .. and I don't have any deficiencies that I'm aware of health-wise, other than occasional laziness and over-procrastination.
You put lemongrass in your cooking you idiot, not a bifta. :biggrin:

Hope this helps .. :crying:

Weeelll...that is Good News on the [HASHTAG]#moontears[/HASHTAG] then...:smoker:..more Stoned than I Thought.
Very Pleasant high...not laugh out loud..Smile out loud..
Creative set the homework spinning in me brain...:biggrin:..but I had quite a bit of neck pain last night..
so I'm Thinking since I took her down early..I'm more milky trics than amber pain-killers..:d5:

I grew on crutches a few years back ...
View attachment 776824
Fucking right pain getting water up to the greenhouse, kept spilling the bucket!! :biggrin:
Only managed a handful of plants, but I had little else to do, I had a broken leg! :thumbsup:

Hell yes...never admit defeat!!

[HASHTAG]#GoGladiators[/HASHTAG] :vibe:

Very excited about the skelly Og its pure pre soviet afghani blood line gave it a super fast flowering time I heard 45 days ,the legend og in it has the typical 70 days ,seems I got a phenotype that will go around 57 days indoors ,the bubbas gift which is very fast at flowering and is also a very nice strain and has a flowering time under 60 days .The skelly has huge tricomes and appears almost greasy looking ,all the buds from the bottom to to are rock hard they look almost wet ,strong lemon pine .

@dankstyle J ..let us know how she does on meds..:d5:

Crazy bro my BB auto in flower just went n checked on her n she's full of seeds!!! Never had one do that to me not sure if it was the bad weather or what ....smh just crazy!!

Damn @Mark87 ..:shrug:..that is a Bummer.

Hi friends here's the Moonstone Amnesia that I withdrew from the show cause of the stunting (all my plants were stunted from this group) but she's a pretty little thing lolView attachment 777115 View attachment 777116View attachment 777117

So we also have had awful growing weather. I've been plying my trade of commercial fishing so i'm away from the plants mostly and also it's hard to keep up here but everyones plants look good love to see it. It's amazing what autos can do in tough conditions.:cheers: good growing to you all.

She Looks like Killer smoke...:pass:..I can Taste her from here..yum..

She looks very tasty


Have a great weekend..:pass:..sharing one.
I have a Dragon, but I think Mr. Mo got all the fem seeds in the bag and left the males for me. :pighug:

the Girls do seem to like me out of the last 8 regular seeds, i have started, all have been female :haha:.. quite a bummer when u keep hoping for males :fire:

by now i just assume female :rofl:

Have a good weekend [HASHTAG]#gladiators[/HASHTAG] :pass:
If there the Ca concentration in Guerilla Tabs is high, Ca may be the cause for me also. There is plenty of Ca in the tap water, so adding Ca to the soil here is not good. I stopped using lime after considering the chemistry.

my Guerilla Tabs girls are feed mainly rainwater.. not tap...

it makes sense that they contain a bit of Ca since under normal "Guerilla conditions" no Ca in rainwater