@912GreenSkell ... weekly update time from me again.

Here's my comp entry ... Brooklyn Sunrise [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] now at 10 weeks:

And here's the rest of the autos currently in production:
BS1-10wks.jpg Autos-in-July_sun.jpg CC3-10wks-1.jpg CC-10wks-bud.jpg DL1-80days-1.jpg DL1-80days-2.jpg DL1-80days-bud.jpg Frosty-7wks.jpg WDFD-52days-bud.jpg WDFD-52days-bud2.jpg

I'm still on the case with the photos, more about them in another post.

You're talking bollocks again ... :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Ouch dude, and the complaints of rot have already started over this side of the pond .. :nono:
Now BZ's fallen foul too.
Yes, l have been reading about our Danish brethren getting hit already. I sure hope BZ is not getting hit too hard, as I know he has a lot of gear out. Great brother he is.

Mold is not one of the things l have to contend with this time of year. Extremely hot here right now.

Hope to update my GH grow in the next few hours. I will tag you when I do.

@912GreenSkell .. just quickly, my photo situation.

One of these will be my entry, they're at just over 3 weeks, with a couple of new additions ...


3 x (Maverick / CBG Durban) & 5 x (IAF x MOB x OG) .... semi-autos on 24/7 veg atm ... not yet sexed.
And I've just added a Double Black fem and a Purple Haze fem just to make my decision-making even harder! :biggrin:

I know you're gonna push me for a decision soon, I can feel it. :eyebrows: