I now believe i overdid it on the Lime in my soil surrounding the think fast, and my think fast is boron deficient (thanks again @Waira ) , so i have responded by a shot of borax and a folia feed...wish me luck ladies and gents!! Hope i can pull her back to me! Official Entry Think Fast Day 91

And my official entry is indeed in this pic...but will get a real pic in a few days... also in the pic is cream mandarin Xl(closest at 37"), next Sweet Bloody Skunk(37"), then Cherry(29") and finally Nashira(25").

I'll get updates done later tonight! Hope you all are doing great!! Seems like the Sun is finally making some appearances here! Woohoo!!
How to get best requirement for growing outdoors?
View attachment 775370 Break your 2. metatarsal bone of your left feed, tomorow another date for MRI...how to answer the question: How did you do?

Don't know, was at work and it happened in a moment...Doc says probably a fatigue fracture! Happy Growing Gladiators!

Rest well and heal soon man.

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk
HAPPY 4th of July, my american friends!!

@mohawk warrior Got any Kush in him.?

Looking Good..:headbang:..they are getting their Curves..
What smell do you have on GG..mine are just getting scented..sniff this morning has a mildly citrus on the GSC and a deep sherbet earthy citrus on GG. View attachment 775228
[HASHTAG]#TheNoseKnows[/HASHTAG] citrus sherbet is a Good med.


I'd settle for her as my smallest..:crying: ...

I was saying in Admin..10 years since Auto's were released last year..how far have they come...

In the beginning they were Expected to be a 12 inch.. 8 week germ to harvest..ounce yielders.
Now they are a Lot Bigger..but their time yield has also moved out towards photo times.

When you Finish up..you must record your two biggest yields..auto v's photo..work it out as grammage per day/week of grow time and let us know how they measure up...:coffee:

I am happy with the Glueberry/Nashira being the smallest for sure!! Remember though, who cares how small the frame is...after all we are bud farmers, not stalk farmers! ;)
Yeah autos have come a long, long ways in the last few years for sure!! Really amazing their progression has been in the last decade!! I will certainly do a comparison of days versus weight...i did a measurement comparison last season...surprised me, but if i ditched those monster photo plants and did only autos packed side-by-side(using space and average weights from last season), autos would not only match the weight of photos, they would exceed them by a large margin(and be harvested in early august at the latest)!! My calculations showed 1.5X the harvest or more in the same space!

@dankstyle J - absolutely beautiful buddy!! Excellent work. Updated

@Belivitez - Wow!! Bud she looks fantastic..updated!

@Slowmo - Ahhh noooo!! Not the dreaded mold!! I had a struggle with mold on the red dragon indoors...was hoping you wouldn't have to deal with it!!

@TheMongol - Arrgghh!! Damn bud! Hope you get better soon!

@Waira - looking good bud!! All of them are! Psico updated.

@Arthur - Hey welcome to the contest, great you could make it bud!! Good luck...as you see you have some work cut out for you!!

@trailanimal - hehe yeah hard to see the problem, other than the lighter lime green...looking close though you can see the issues on some of the tops.



Generally i dont care about a few off coloured leaves here and there...however this plant its more than that! Over the last 2 weeks her growth has slowed to a crawl compared to the other 3 full sun garden photos.
Top pics Think Fast Left, Sweet Green poison right, Bottom left Bomb Atomic, Bottom right Delicious Fruity Chronic

@mohawk warrior Got any Kush in him.?

Looking Good..:headbang:..they are getting their Curves..
What smell do you have on GG..mine are just getting scented..sniff this morning has a mildly citrus on the GSC and a deep sherbet earthy citrus on GG. View attachment 775228
[HASHTAG]#TheNoseKnows[/HASHTAG] citrus sherbet is a Good med.


I'd settle for her as my smallest..:crying: ...

I was saying in Admin..10 years since Auto's were released last year..how far have they come...

In the beginning they were Expected to be a 12 inch.. 8 week germ to harvest..ounce yielders.
Now they are a Lot Bigger..but their time yield has also moved out towards photo times.

When you Finish up..you must record your two biggest yields..auto v's photo..work it out as grammage per day/week of grow time and let us know how they measure up...:coffee:[/QUOTE/] The GG has a very earthy but also sweet smell to her very pleasant shes one im most excited to try this fall!!
How to get best requirement for growing outdoors?
Break your 2. metatarsal bone of your left feed, tomorow another date for MRI...how to answer the question: How did you do?

Don't know, was at work and it happened in a moment...Doc says probably a fatigue fracture! Happy Growing Gladiators!

here we are bitching about mold ... and you have real problems :karmacloud:
In this case i must to think about how to support her arms :smoking: she is definitely one of crazy nasty girls :rofl:

I used to tie mine back to the main frame if I saw a high wind coming or she would shimmy herself into a break..:headbang:

seem like all plants in cph are suffering

all plants in cph seems affected ... both indoor and out ... spores have been impossible to keep out ... :point:

Okay..this is Mossy....:coffee:..what is cph...?....:shrug:

Big time!

Yes, @Mossy ... the dreaded mold.

I found indoors in my 137 days Cotton Bud and and outdoors in my 80 days Auto Limonade.

had this been a comercial grown crop .... we would be talking blight year ... like potato or wine

Wow..that is Bad News..:nono:

How to get best requirement for growing outdoors?
View attachment 775370 Break your 2. metatarsal bone of your left feed, tomorow another date for MRI...how to answer the question: How did you do?

Don't know, was at work and it happened in a moment...Doc says probably a fatigue fracture! Happy Growing Gladiators!

Ouch..Looks Painful @TheMongol ..feel better soon...:d5:

"kicking from dry"
high high!

[HASHTAG]#kickingfromdry[/HASHTAG] :hookah:

I had twisted leafs and the plants grew out some good smoke.

Cheers @Dudeski was it both on the same cross..?

Aunty, that's weird, but I've seen it before on a Green Poison I had,... pH dipped into mid-5's and my sphincter was really winkin' about it,.. but other than going a bit pale , no serious symptoms developed, particularly P, which should have locked out, and this plant was in mid-bloom! I hammered it with diluted hydrated lime solution (right now pH adjusting), and it resisted for nearly a week, before correcting,... never skipped a beat meantime! So, there's more to it than I know, something with the dynamics of all that ion exchange going on in there,.. as you know, the roots immediate proximity zone can be different in pH vs outer areas because of this,...All I can say is consider what cations are in there for nutrition, coz for every one taken in, and H+ goes out, part of the pH and electrical balancing act to maintain net neutral status,.... high ammonia/ammonium, K, Ca,... and then there's what the soil herd is doing! :help:....

[HASHTAG]#Guru[/HASHTAG] :worship:

couldn't see the reference from Dank' buddy,... is it about breakdown into available nute elements? That's the key, plants can only take in certain nutes in specific forms... take urea-N, which needs to be broken down into other forms- nitrate, or ammonium, to become absorbable,...

Yup..:headbang:..fermenting takes the place of gastric juices..:drool:...the Only thing I Worry about...Absolutely Everything I ferment..doesn't matter what it smells of when it goes in the pot..come out smelling like Sh*t once it has fermented..:coffee:

This year I'm going to experiment with some things,... one product, Actinovate, a bacterial agent applied as a foliar, which will get applied right as bloom starts,... the theory, since the spores are ubiquitous and already on the plant, developing buds grow around them as they lie dormant,... having this fighting bacteria present already when they activate again may help crush them before they can get foothold,.. botrytis likes to work inside out, as far as I've seen, generally infections begin on the interior and spread via stems, maturing fast and spore producing rapidly as it progresses,... I'll also be hitting then with Optic Foliar's ATAK/Transport, to sink the Cu into the tissues,... as always, Si is in the act, fortifying the cell walls,.. it helps, but is no panacea!

Looking Forward to you results...:headbang:

might as well update... Psicodelicia is cranking! I can't tell her shape yet, but I'm thinking she's going to be more columnar that ChristmasTree or bushy,...

Looks like a bushy if those budsites put on a Sprint in their arm length..:biggrin:

Great read @Waira :slap:.

I wish I had knowledge like yours. :hump:

Yeah @Need4Weed :d5:..Me Too...

I now believe i overdid it on the Lime in my soil surrounding the think fast, and my think fast is boron deficient (thanks again @Waira ) , so i have responded by a shot of borax and a folia feed...wish me luck ladies and gents!! Hope i can pull her back to me! Official Entry Think Fast Day 91
View attachment 775489

And my official entry is indeed in this pic...but will get a real pic in a few days... also in the pic is cream mandarin Xl(closest at 37"), next Sweet Bloody Skunk(37"), then Cherry(29") and finally Nashira(25").

I'll get updates done later tonight! Hope you all are doing great!! Seems like the Sun is finally making some appearances here! Woohoo!!
View attachment 775495


I am happy with the Glueberry/Nashira being the smallest for sure!! Remember though, who cares how small the frame is...after all we are bud farmers, not stalk farmers! ;)

Frame is just a Bud Hanger...:headbang:

Yeah autos have come a long, long ways in the last few years for sure!! Really amazing their progression has been in the last decade!! I will certainly do a comparison of days versus weight...i did a measurement comparison last season...surprised me, but if i ditched those monster photo plants and did only autos packed side-by-side(using space and average weights from last season), autos would not only match the weight of photos, they would exceed them by a large margin(and be harvested in early august at the latest)!! My calculations showed 1.5X the harvest or more in the same space!

[HASHTAG]#weNeedtoKnow[/HASHTAG] :headbang:
Copenhagen :bighug:probably the dampest place in world ... as true a claim as Carlsberg's :crying:

Aw Maaaaan...:coffee:..I Thought it was a soil or fert or something..:biggrin:..when you look around most outdoors are reporting Unseasonable weather this year..I Know we have..after 7 years drought winters it decided to drop the whole lot in one season...:yoinks:..we got flooded out..twice..in Spain..

I Thought Ireland was officially classed as the dampest country in the World ..?...that is why it is the Emerald Isle..