Cultivators Club
I now believe i overdid it on the Lime in my soil surrounding the think fast, and my think fast is boron deficient (thanks again @Waira ) , so i have responded by a shot of borax and a folia feed...wish me luck ladies and gents!! Hope i can pull her back to me! Official Entry Think Fast Day 91
And my official entry is indeed in this pic...but will get a real pic in a few days... also in the pic is cream mandarin Xl(closest at 37"), next Sweet Bloody Skunk(37"), then Cherry(29") and finally Nashira(25").
I'll get updates done later tonight! Hope you all are doing great!! Seems like the Sun is finally making some appearances here! Woohoo!!
And my official entry is indeed in this pic...but will get a real pic in a few days... also in the pic is cream mandarin Xl(closest at 37"), next Sweet Bloody Skunk(37"), then Cherry(29") and finally Nashira(25").
I'll get updates done later tonight! Hope you all are doing great!! Seems like the Sun is finally making some appearances here! Woohoo!!