Make two strong joints..and two strong coffees..pass me one of each..and tell me why it is Worrying you...?...:pass:

I will take one of those ...:pass:

I got one more unknown

portal girl ... this one also supposed to be male... she is in very small pot :pighug:

Cheers :cheers:
Figured I would post a pic of my skelly og indoor day 30 ,this is a legend og pheno type (respect 0g cut)she smells like lemonade pine and now my hand smells very strong smell from bottom to top rock solid nugs and with 35 days to go it will be amazing to see her pack it on ,but this is just the beginning the outdoor skelly is going to show full potential and get big ,2other types of phenos ,I'm excited.
yea!, I didn't space out my update, busy time of year
BUBBA TROUBLE @Magic Strains....View attachment 774534 View attachment 774535 .
D42 from seed
still early preflower
30" and reaching for the sky
Growing a portal mix fem that is similar to yours I believe mine is a stone dragon ,mine looks very indica and that appears to be the most indica of the fem mix .Mine shows strong aghanica features yours by the way does to ,but imnot completely sure on the exact lineage of all the plants in the fem mix .
Growing a portal mix fem that is similar to yours I believe mine is a stone dragon ,mine looks very indica and that appears to be the most indica of the fem mix .Mine shows strong aghanica features yours by the way does to ,but imnot completely sure on the exact lineage of all the plants in the fem mix .
This post is for slowmo ,sorry trail you're bubba looks awesome,growing a bubbas gift I'm falling in love with looks very similar I love when they flower and do the crown style buds with candelabra like branches very nice .
Growing a portal mix fem that is similar to yours I believe mine is a stone dragon ,mine looks very indica and that appears to be the most indica of the fem mix .Mine shows strong aghanica features yours by the way does to ,but imnot completely sure on the exact lineage of all the plants in the fem mix .
cheers J, indoor skelly looking Og ood!, I don't have any portals this grow