Not an entry plant but pretty anyhow. Gonna be one big Auto Mazar cola. She's three feet tall now and still stretching.
Beautiful!! Seems like Mazar is holding up to its great outdoor strain rep.
Well I'm showing you the pretty one. I have two more in the same field. One is 2 feet tall and the other is 1 foot tall. So there are some differences in phenotypes. All of the strains I have grown outside this year were planted early and have decided to grow with little to no branching, so I believe that had more to do with the early extreme environment than genetics.
true Cannada there man :D

Here's hoping you don't see a girl on a bicycle with a dog named Toto flying by.....sending good vibes :cools: and :goodluck:
step out side with the umbrella and marry poppins to timmies lmao

and thank @912GreenSkell .. I'm hoping my dinafem blue kush is doing some rootwork in that bucket.... she's movin slow...

lil past 2 weeks 4 others
df. is almost 1 and got beat to shit by that storm... thing is a trooper if it lives
never did tiny pots like that so I'm thinking its all root work on the bigger ones right now cause smaller pot = better looking

just tied down (to the north) one in black close to front... and looked at the d.f. look thicker starting to move up and is going toward the light... may have not died... choice
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Well I'm showing you the pretty one. I have two more in the same field. One is 2 feet tall and the other is 1 foot tall. So there are some differences in phenotypes. All of the strains I have grown outside this year were planted early and have decided to grow with little to no branching, so I believe that had more to do with the early extreme environment than genetics.

My four that had a tough start used to have very little side branches...since then i have tied them on a heavy angle to the north and they are fairly branchy now but small(23-26") at day 45.
Well, glad I made that decision because 3 of the EPK/S6 photos grew pre-balls in the last 48 hours! Fuck.
One in a pot (reserve) and 2 in the ground, prime spots too. Fuck.
Two left now, still on the fence with these. Fuck.
In a frenzy of mixed emotion, I dunked 7 x (Afghan Kush auto x Mi5/AutoMazar). Fuck.
I'm digging around in my tin again. Fuck.

Howdy @912GreenSkell and @StickMan here's my Z6 x Harle Tzu at around 60 days. It's been a struggle with low light levels but we're getting a little sun now and I'm hoping the season has turned. She's been getting out in it for a few days.

Here she is with her sisters. I've got the smallest one bent to the north a bit

A closer view of the entry plant
Howdy @912GreenSkell and @StickMan here's my Z6 x Harle Tzu at around 60 days. It's been a struggle with low light levels but we're getting a little sun now and I'm hoping the season has turned. She's been getting out in it for a few days.View attachment 770119
Here she is with her sisters. I've got the smallest one bent to the north a bit
View attachment 770120
A closer view of the entry plant
View attachment 770121
Sweet sight my friend!
Your entry girl sure looks like she will finish out for you by how much shes is already in pre-flower. Are her sister's pre-flowering as much? The Z6 is very fast on its own outdoors. Fasted finisher by far for me last year. I just made a big batch of Coconut Oil with Z6 x Harle Tzu. One of the best pain meds I have made for myself....very CBD high. I'm guessing 20:1. But just guessing without being tested. Just from my experience with the pure Z6, which is 30:1.Most Harle Tzu phenos are very CBD high as well.

Plants looks like they are being well taken care of by you. Very healthy.
