Skelly Og the one in the contest
Skelly Og#2
They will be beast for sure. Very nice growing.
Thank you the weather has been horrible it's been raining for quite a few pretty steady ,but the plants are doing ok ,still sprayed for mold ,and last weak gave em some dankstyle j rocket poo they seem to be growing fast even though the weather is unfavorable.
Thank you the weather has been horrible it's been raining for quite a few pretty steady ,but the plants are doing ok ,still sprayed for mold ,and last weak gave em some dankstyle j rocket poo they seem to be growing fast even though the weather is unfavorable.
Yes, we have been getting some bizarre weather up here in E. WA. Glad I opted to patch the GH up and use it for my primary OD grow space this year.

I know I said it before, but the Skelly OG looks and sounds right up my alley.

Wising all the best for this season my friend.
I believe that LST is certainly playing a large part in the yields i pulled last season from outdoor autos(5oz per plant average). I only do a light top pull though, pulling the top slightly over to the north. This creates a competition factor on secondary branches and reduces canopy.
Brooklyn Sunrise 112grams dry
View attachment 763649

Yeah, it sure works well when I've done them...I think for the first time I'll just grow these untouched :thumbsup:...what the heck! I've never grown an auto even close to your Brooklyn got it down my friend! :worship:
Ahh...going from one struggle to another with weather...did i mention our weather is crazy unpredictable? Last week for 2 weeks rain and cold almost day....this week? Lets give the fella what he asks for ...some heat! Hmm instead of close under 10 degrees celsius(<- 50 F), instead lets try out 32degrees celsius(90 F) yesterday followed by 38degrees today(100F)...sweltering hot!! And the little autos are showing some problems for the fairly well established photos.

Will get to updates later...didnt sleep last night at all and am burned out.
Gotta have a unbelievably nice summer full of conditions that we normally don't have to not have to use a greenhouse an if you got one in the pacific northwest better use it ,I'm sure you're weather in Washington state is similar to mine I live just a lil ways from Eugene ,but I have been told Washington gets more rain than Oregon if that's the case that's super impressive friend .
Gotta have a unbelievably nice summer full of conditions that we normally don't have to not have to use a greenhouse an if you got one in the pacific northwest better use it ,I'm sure you're weather in Washington state is similar to mine I live just a lil ways from Eugene ,but I have been told Washington gets more rain than Oregon if that's the case that's super impressive friend .
I'm north of y'all, and it's been ok, but not really as warm as it usually is. A few good blowers have come through. Some rain forecast tho. Here's hoping for a nice long spell of pure sunshine....