Blow Mind has been cut
Here is te pictures of plants in the end of first week and here how they look now.
In the picture are also 1 Amnesia auto and 2 Super Stinky auto along with Jack Herer auto and Amherst Sour Diesel.

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Wow bud plants are looking beautiful!! Nice work...okay so here is what we need from you bud. We need a pic in between where you are currently and the week 1 pic you posted. We also need a dedicated plant that will be your entry from now on. Totally cool if you want to post pics of your other plants, just make sure your entry plant is labelled as "official entry" so there is no confusion which plant is your entry.

@Mossy - Hahahaaha...that lighter is awesome!! Soon enough i will have to switch my scale measurer to a 1L nute jug...plants are hooking up well now!!

@Slowmo - nice work bud!! Red Dragon is looking sweet..updating now. Awesome frost factor on the blackjack bud!

@goodgrace87 - Nice...doing pretty good! Updating entry now.

@HemiSync - Good stuff!! Getting tall!. Updating enties now.

@Mark87 - Little seedlings are looking good bud!

@Vlad The Inhaler - That sure is some great looking dirt you have in that spot man! Plants look like they are diggin life! Entry Updated

@Belivitez - An absolute branch factory man!! Looking pristine so far! Entry updated

@Mossy @Slowmo - Giggling line....WOW!! Thats one hell of a branching system! I feel the same as you do about lack of light the partial sun garden i grow the autos only get 8 hours of sun tapering down to less than 6 by harvest...never an issue with hermies. I believe hermy stress is a compounding issue. Add a few stressful things into a grow and your risk of hermies grows exponentially.

@912GreenSkell my blow Mind gonna be cut today..
But what is the intention?
Has my contest been over?
Because there are still some blow minds..
Have 4 more
Can't grow all together cuz we have limit of 5max

Hmmm so the way it should have worked is the plant you entered at 30 days is the official entry....thinking of another way around this in future outdoor growoffs, but thats the way it is for this contest. Absolutely loving the frost count on that plant bud!! Candy kush sure is looking nice bud!!

Hecno - Nice vibrant growth on your amnesia auto bud!!

Great work all around guys!!

Plants are settling in well over here...give it a few more days for some some good news for non official entry plants ...8 hours tapering down to less than 6 by harvest in the partial sun garden is done and over!! We had 2 huge 4 foot diameter trees that were about to fall on the neighbours house, so we had to bit the bullet and get them professionally cut will open up several more hours of direct sun for the test garden plants....the price of getting them chopped really hurt though, costing $2100($2800 but the neighbours generously gave us $700 to help out). Ouch!!

And the far one Auto is standing above the pack, and with the research i did, it doesn't surprise me. Auto White Widow XXl from dinafem settled right into the outdoor life and is quickly growing...she pulled ahead the rest of the pack by around 2" since yesterday. Dp's Auto white widow is also taking to the outdoor life pretty well. Most of the autos have early preflower signs. So great work @Dinafem-Mark !!
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Re posting to make sure the tag to dinamark goes through(edited in after i posted)
And the far one Auto is standing above the pack, and with the research i did, it doesn't surprise me. Auto White Widow XXl from dinafem settled right into the outdoor life and is quickly growing...she pulled ahead the rest of the pack by around 2" since yesterday. Dp's Auto white widow is also taking to the outdoor life pretty well. Most of the autos have early preflower signs. So great work @Dinafem-Mark !! time fly's when you're having fun! I started with 4 auto's and still have them going strong...I did un-officially pick my Dinafem Blue Critical Auto a few weeks ago but today is my deadline!!!!!!!!!!!! So it will be the Dinafem...:smoking:

Here she is at day 29 from seed...not the stockiest, but has the most branching and height...strong starter it appears.

Up closer to the budding young girls...

Here is Fast Buds # 1

Fast Buds Rhino # 2
View attachment 762060

And last but not least Nirvana Freebie Short Ryder...

That's it for now....I'll put these in my grow journal and also need to get the Fast Buds over to that grow competition as well...Cheers! :pighug:


So...The Auto-flowers I have done outside over the years (maybe 10 varieties) were all messed with by using LST, trimming, lollipopping, (never have pruned an auto) to keep the height down, and also exposing more of the lower branches to more light...they turned out pretty good for a newbie. I grew photo strains indoors all winter here (7 months) and have also trimmed, lollipopped, and LST'd, and scrog'd them to get the most equal coverage of the canopy in my grow tent....made common sense inside for sure with static LED's...but auto's outdoors are getting much more light and in a round-a-bout more natural does LST help?:smoking:

I wanted to do auto's this summer, and nice to join this AFN site and find myself in a couple competitive I have these 2 FB Rhino's hitting 27" at day 30 (for FB grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]), and I've never trimmed or LST'd them so it's odd for me not to. Should I experiment and just grow these Au-natural and see how they end up? Or should I use my LST and plant training experience that worked before, to make this new outdoor Rhino run perform better? I usually start LST around 2 weeks so maybe they're too big now? I have a Dinafem Blue Critical Auto at 30" (picked for outdoor auto 2017 grow), and a Nirvana Short Ryder at 32" also...all grown without any modifications, training, or clipping. I guess I have a decision to make...have any of you folks run these auto strains just straight up? How do they turn out? It's much less putzy, but we had a very windy day today and I had to support them so that was a drag....but I'm at a crossroads where I need to split, flip, and decide which direction to take these for the next 60 days.....ahhhh, so many decisions! :pass:
Copied post from last night so disregard the bit about telescope!

Day 34: Fending for herself.

Another week has flown by, what with the mad weather and me being so busy at work Dwarfy has been a bit neglected.

The wind is still here but the sun came out which should help her but I've kind of decided as I have at least another 3 weeks of 12 hr work days that Dwarfy will basically be left to crack on with it.

Yes she has holes in her leaves and yes there are some spots but I'm going to treat her like she was growing out in mother nature and let her get on with it. (Well that's a lie cos I'm gonna continue with BioBizz but I'm not gonna fiddle with her much or fuss over her).

The only other thing I might do is a bit of LST: bend the main stem towards north and spread a couple of the lower branches out to the sides.

So yeah, she's gonna look knarly and tatty, I still love her but she's gonna just have to deal with it!





Seeing as the night is pretty clear might just pull out my scope as Jupiter is floating high in the south right now and there's nothing like gazing at the heavens to make you feel grounded.

Took this pic last year just on my phone through the eyepiece, no special equipment [emoji3]



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Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk

So...The Auto-flowers I have done outside over the years (maybe 10 varieties) were all messed with by using LST, trimming, lollipopping, (never have pruned an auto) to keep the height down, and also exposing more of the lower branches to more light...they turned out pretty good for a newbie. I grew photo strains indoors all winter here (7 months) and have also trimmed, lollipopped, and LST'd, and scrog'd them to get the most equal coverage of the canopy in my grow tent....made common sense inside for sure with static LED's...but auto's outdoors are getting much more light and in a round-a-bout more natural does LST help?:smoking:

I wanted to do auto's this summer, and nice to join this AFN site and find myself in a couple competitive I have these 2 FB Rhino's hitting 27" at day 30 (for FB grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]), and I've never trimmed or LST'd them so it's odd for me not to. Should I experiment and just grow these Au-natural and see how they end up? Or should I use my LST and plant training experience that worked before, to make this new outdoor Rhino run perform better? I usually start LST around 2 weeks so maybe they're too big now? I have a Dinafem Blue Critical Auto at 30" (picked for outdoor auto 2017 grow), and a Nirvana Short Ryder at 32" also...all grown without any modifications, training, or clipping. I guess I have a decision to make...have any of you folks run these auto strains just straight up? How do they turn out? It's much less putzy, but we had a very windy day today and I had to support them so that was a drag....but I'm at a crossroads where I need to split, flip, and decide which direction to take these for the next 60 days.....ahhhh, so many decisions! :pass:

I believe that LST is certainly playing a large part in the yields i pulled last season from outdoor autos(5oz per plant average). I only do a light top pull though, pulling the top slightly over to the north. This creates a competition factor on secondary branches and reduces canopy.
Brooklyn Sunrise 112grams dry