I hope to do full formal reviews for all of them.
But maybe I'll do a group one for the Sweets and another for the Fasts.
First need to get them all ready and packed and stuff.
Am taking lots of photos on the way,
so can use those for a better full review later.

I want the badge!!!! :p

FB Green Crack is very functional, good for concentration, clear, energizing.
That's what it's been today for me.

Not sure what I'll swap to tomorrow. :p
Maybe the Safari [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] or the Dark Devil or the Mandarine.....

My Favourite..Energy Up with great thought processing....:headbang:..early harvest Afghans normally do it for me.
Has @FastBuds got you signed up for the [HASHTAG]#Fastbuds[/HASHTAG] Ladies Grow off..?

Ive heard that quite a bit about the mazar...great to confirm she is holding up!! Kind of regret not starting one!

Yeah there is 2 kinds of herb thieves around here...the kind that sneaks around at 2am like rats scurrying in the shadows(the type i deal with)....and then the dangerous kind...theres been talk of a group of 4-6 guys that gridlock local forest masked as deer hunters carrying 12 gauge shotguns. Great times to be a guerilla farmer around here...sigh.

[HASHTAG]#ACurseonallRippers[/HASHTAG] :wizzy: May karma catch u with them and 1,000 fleas infest their ar*eholes :grrr1:

I know the rule of the 30 day entry can make it tough, especially for those in the harsh climates(like i know you would have likely chosen another strain for your entry if you could have?)...trying to think a way around this...after this contest is done i will make a thread and tag in all of the entries and ask ideas on rule changes. Never will there be a ruleset that everyone loves, but hopefully we can devise something that can work with everyone.

What about a June start..?
You only have 1 leg..so we could do a later start date..

IMG_1414 (2).JPG

Me early bad weather stumpies....


May as well have them out and re-seed the pot...:headbang:

They May be small..but they can still Stink a house out...:crying:..

and ..Old enough to [HASHTAG]#GetJiggy[/HASHTAG] ...:yeah:

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My Favourite..Energy Up with great thought processing....:headbang:..early harvest Afghans normally do it for me.
Has @FastBuds got you signed up for the [HASHTAG]#Fastbuds[/HASHTAG] Ladies Grow off..?

[HASHTAG]#ACurseonallRippers[/HASHTAG] :wizzy: May karma catch u with them and 1,000 fleas infest their ar*eholes :grrr1:

What about a June start..?
You only have 1 leg..so we could do a later start date..

View attachment 760784

Me early bad weather stumpies....

View attachment 760785

May as well have them out and re-seed the pot...:headbang:

They May be small..but they can still Stink a house out...:crying:..

and ..Old enough to [HASHTAG]#GetJiggy[/HASHTAG] ...:yeah:

View attachment 760795

The last thing i want is a confrontation with them...using paintball guns...but a twist...use hard rubber balls in the gun...same thing they use in South Africa for crowd control. Sorry i put that the wrong way....the last thing THEY want is a confrontation with me in the dark in the middle of the night.
Once herb is legal this nonsense can stop...talking about a 10 camera surveillance system mounted in obvious places. Full motion activated and hooked up to computer.
A june start would ease the load sure...but it would also cut quite a few entries including all of my photo entries.
The last thing i want is a confrontation with them...using paintball guns...but a twist...use hard rubber balls in the gun...same thing they use in South Africa for crowd control. Sorry i put that the wrong way....the last thing THEY want is a confrontation with me in the dark in the middle of the night.
Once herb is legal this nonsense can stop...talking about a 10 camera surveillance system mounted in obvious places. Full motion activated and hooked up to computer.
A june start would ease the load sure...but it would also cut quite a few entries including all of my photo entries.
I could take care of all that with a microwave and a few extra components hehehehe
shooting ball baring's jebus..

and wow look at that color @Mossy mmmmmmmmmm
delicious ..
I could take care of all that with a microwave and a few extra components hehehehe
shooting ball baring's jebus..

and wow look at that color @Mossy mmmmmmmmmm
delicious ..

Not ball bearings...they are hard rubber .68 cal balls....they adopted a nickname called rib breakers. Sincerely hope it never comes to it.
That's an excellent point, well made. I'll just butt-out and let you carry on razzing Vlad. :smoking:

It was just a quick razz. ;)
Actually in reality PH does fluctuate in a major way in my area...i learned PH in the old days...plant in areas which you know the trees and plant naturally live in soil with proper PH. Try to plant in a cedar or pine forest and you know what you get!! On the other hand a maple, oak or birch forest has tremendous dirt proper PH and does a fantastic job on grass. I learned outdoor growing the old school way...trial and error. No fancy meters or fertilizer...just instinct and learned skills.
I still say...hardwood leaf compost...best dirt you will ever grow her in!!
I saw a youtube video the other day of a guy that uses nothing but leave compost to grow tomatoes. It was a pretty cool watch! :thumbsup: