[HASHTAG]#go gladiators[/HASHTAG] :amazon:

My photo entry as well.. :pass:
View attachment 760173

Nice...:headbang:..I See she is fenced..is that to keep predators out...or keep her in...?...:yoinks:...............

Haven't been to Alicante airport for a while .. I do hope you're not in Benidorm. :nono:
However, if you're in the other direction, I'll stay for 3 months if that's ok? ... knock out some auto hacks while I'm there.
Next week good for you?


An hour South of Soddam and Gomorrah :coffee:..Far enough...

First off, I know I'm hijacking the thread, fuck it, everyone else is at it, and no-one reads my own threads anyway, so I don't feel guilty.
Second, if it gives @912GreenSkell more shit to trawl thro', bonus.

Part of the reason for [HASHTAG]#growbattles[/HASHTAG] :d5: [HASHTAG]#growcannabislivewithfriends[/HASHTAG]

Grow journals however Good can be Missed if you do not have Friends to come visit...:headbang:..in [HASHTAG]#growbattles[/HASHTAG] ..your Friends are in here with you.

I opened the hole back up, just to show you the elevator shaft available to all the nasties ...

Nice...Hollow-points....:headbang:..I Do prefer hollow stems...

So, 9 out of 10 plants definitely prefer clothes pegs after having their heads chopped off! :toke:

Yeah..:thumbsup:..Good info on it and photos..Thanks for sharing..

I've always been a fan of a good smear of vaselline if I have a cut like that..but I didn't know about the internal pressure info..
Is anyone having sign out problems..?..as fast as I reply I'm getting signed out..:shrug:

Works fine here .. :pass: i only have issues with logout if someone post a link without https ... ie http
i keep saying plz stop watering ) ... way to much watering, and strech as a result ...

Oh..I'm a chronic over waterer too....:watering:

@mohawk warrior + @Bud Wiser UK - HAhaaha thanks for bringing comedy to the show fellas!! Got a few good laughs reading your guys posts.


I was going to Ask when the trash talking started..but I See we have gone down the comedy route instead...:coffee:

sour liver

Love to See the New Crosses getting an airing...:growing:

Works fine here .. :pass: i only have issues with logout if someone post a link without https ... ie http

I'm getting signed out on every Like or Quote..:shrug:..so I'm free wheeling..:biggrin:..quoteless.

@912GreenSkell I'll take advice from our Poll Professional @budelee to see when the Auto Poll should start..:headbang:

Congratulation @Maria Sanchez :bravo:..First Finish.

Will everyone keep a record of Start times..coz it will be interesting to See what Outdoor does to cross Finish times...:thumbsup:
YES! Every time I like a post it signs me out. Argggggggh!

Yep..that is what it is doing to me. Since I'm not the only one..I better check with @Son of Hobbes that it isn't a site tech problem.
Is anyone having sign out problems..?..as fast as I reply I'm getting signed out..:shrug:
Constantly as I surf the different forums, every few pages I try and respond only to see I'm already signed out. In a given session I may be logged out and have to log in again well over 20 times.
Also not getting any updates for any of the threads I chose to follow. Hope you are feelin better.
Yep..that is what it is doing to me. Since I'm not the only one..I better check with @Son of Hobbes that it isn't a site tech problem.
I have seen it before and I went away for a couple hours and it went away.

Once it starts tough it's better to go to the top of the page and log in, rather than login at the prompt as that seems to last longer versus the prompt which only last the one activity. ...... if that makes any sense cause I'm stoned as hell.
day 32, WCOG. Barely into flower, pitils are showing, but no preflower yet. Drinking like a racehorse, so i'm expecting some big growth soon, very obliging with extra shoots, one branch has given me 5 extra, and another, i've had to tie down the extras, they were going mad


all the shoots in this shot, bar the 2 in the bottom right of shot, are from one branch. The top of the branch is extreme left, it's now untied and pointing skyward

Looking Lush @Ribbzzy

Lots of advanced training techniques happening. Not many air pots though. I swear it would make some guys jobs much easier. Not only that they are a breeze to clean.

I Bought them..but found I had a Problem keeping them hydrated outdoor in summer
Think Florida climate.
I might give them another go this year.

I'm stoned as hell.

You are WHAT..? STONED..:yoinks:..is that Talk for saying you have been smoking Mareewhannah....?..on [HASHTAG]#afn[/HASHTAG]..

What do you Think this is..one of those damned cannabis forums.......:yoinks:

What....?........we Are..:shrug:...................................................................:hookah:..carry on then..
