Outdoor Outdoor 55lat Uk 2017

Little but further South to you mate. The 200 autos are regular seed so say 100 females. I will be planting in trenches with a perimeter fence so the birds will likely get a few leaving me with around 60 I hope. Then their will be the regular semi autos hoping for around 40 female hopefully so far. I still have a few to go in but probably lots of 20 and less from here on. Great to have you following mate. Let's see if I can inspire you to go monkeying around in the woods again. Most of these have been successfully grown in Scotland by friends on other forums.:vibe:
haha thats some amount of bush like. you goin full guerilla and highjacking a farmers field or you got private land? someone got caught doing that round my way the other year actually. just about ready to chop aswell. mustve been spewing the poor sod.
haha thats some amount of bush like. you goin full guerilla and highjacking a farmers field or you got private land? someone got caught doing that round my way the other year actually. just about ready to chop aswell. mustve been spewing the poor sod.
No mate I am a humble poor English man. I grow on waste land fenced and forgotten mostly. I do grow a few woodland clearings to because I like being in the countryside more than anything else though lol. 100 regular auto seeds will only cover 70ft trench or in my case 2x 35ft trenches side by side. These are not massive autos but they grow in Lapland so if I can't growing a row or 2 I shouldn't be growing outdoor lol. ;)
haha thats some amount of bush like. you goin full guerilla and highjacking a farmers field or you got private land? someone got caught doing that round my way the other year actually. just about ready to chop aswell. mustve been spewing the poor sod.
Here is the type of bud I would expect at a Scottish latitude mate.

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Great to see ya here mate!

Looks like we will be growing some of the same strains OD this year. I will be following along here for sure my friend.

Nice to see you here @StickMan I have been lurking in the shadows here for a while LBH asked me to do a grow report last year but life got in the way. Anyway a man of my word I am and here I am keeping a promise to a old friend. Pull up a chair bro. :)
I dont think this place existed when i first joined a forum broski. I think a few of what you see are what you made that I got from broski bob? Time to see what they can do here mate. :cheers:
Yes, believe this forum is only 8 or so years old. I joined a little over 5 years ago. Was a much smaller forum then. Highrise had a large sub-forum on here on and krk was one of the main mods. His name was cres over here. Probably see some of his post under cres here. This is where I met bob.

Not sure if you got any of the MOB/OGK x F99a from bob. Everyone liked a lot. Harold ended up making F2s last season, he liked them so well.

Ended up reversering a Z6(pure CBD genotype) x Erdibei from last season and hitting several things with fem dust including a nice AOF/RD and Ulduz/RD. Will be testing a couple of each OD on my land.

I see you started some EWS, are you going to repro them? Think I bought the last pack last year from the SH store, but won't be running any this year, but will try a couple of MF/EWS.
