Mephisto Genetics Organic "Green Sea of Change" 6 MG strains always changing

So I've been doing organics all wrong for a while now. Trying to feed the plants and not the soil. It works, kinda, but I get no where near the results you do. So I'm trying to get on board with LOS. I very much appreciate your sharing. Can't really find any info on starting from scratch, so I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain occasionally. :pass:
I am more than happy to pass on any info you guys need. The best tips for anyone, start a compost pile and start a worm bin. Shop at the Feed Store, not the grow store (unless you are rich).
I love the 'inverted' tomato cages. I don't get why they all aren't made that way. I saw 4 at the feed store and bought em all. Hope they have more this year. The inverted ones are crucial for the giant tomatoes I grow in the summer. They looked to the pyramids, and designed ones that don't tip over by design. Just to one up me, Papa Sinse took the inverted design and made some real 'bomber' ones out of 'Re Bar' last year. I think they are triangles instead of hoops, but very sturdy. He even tacked on flat spots so he can pound then down deep in the garden, and pry them up with a lever at the same spot. I am going to fab up my own this year if timing allows. I want to actually cut the pieces and tack weld them in the pot, to get the exact dimensions and shape I need.
My style of everything, is definitely homeowner/chores driven style.
Always a pleasure chatting with MOB!
Those little strawberry nuggets and deez nuggz are trickey little suckers for sure. They ask for nothing from the gardener, except some training. Lots of training. Those are illuninauto packs, so one day, I will have these little suckers dialed in.

Hey Bud how ya doin .....

Did some work with Nugs, tied up some side leaves for few hours, and your right, you’ll get this type of strain and training down ..... Nugs Grows easy enough outa the box but why not achieve more .....

Doing same with Gold Glue plus using the Candy Canes (CC in future) ona a side branch or two .... another toughie but easier than Nugs ....

Them darn tomatoe cages, why the heck skinny bottom running up to fatter top that flips falls over, oops .... love my antenna cages, just saw next to dumpster on roof job site and said why not, love it and FREE ...

Hit up Feed Store yesterday, got a 50 lb bag of alfalfa pellets, spread some this am, never used before but reviews are like we can grow big tomatoes in sand with alfalfa pellets, so we got, $10.50 for 50 lb .... while there picked up two bails of alfalfa and two straw, more mulch ..... worked on future comfrey beds roots be here soon, I know they can handle some tough soil, which we have, rocky red dirt, but giving those roots a head start shouldn’t hurt ..... also planning some nettles and who knows what else I learn or figure and plant, love to watch things grow ....

Switching Gears and this is a big shift .... Later THIS MONTH the WHO will meet .... so who is the WHO, if ya don’t know, it’s the World Health Organization ...... WORLD Rescheduling of Marijuana is a subject of discussion ..... WHO has recommended Member Narions Vote IN FAVOR of removing from WHO worst schedule - Sch. 4 and drop to Schedule 1 and eliminate CBD Oil from any schedule so long as contains under 3% TCH ..... In 1961 Member Nations of WHO signed a Drug Treaty Pack and marijuana was included in that treaty ..... Who knew?

Always educational chatting with @Organic Sinse, even his tag makes “Sinse”.


Good luck with the cages!


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Hey Bud how ya doin .....

Did some work with Nugs, tied up some side leaves for few hours, and your right, you’ll get this type of strain and training down ..... Nugs Grows easy enough outa the box but why not achieve more .....

Doing same with Gold Glue plus using the Candy Canes (CC in future) ona a side branch or two .... another toughie but easier than Nugs ....

Them darn tomatoe cages, why the heck skinny bottom running up to fatter top that flips falls over, oops .... love my antenna cages, just saw next to dumpster on roof job site and said why not, love it and FREE ...

Hit up Feed Store yesterday, got a 50 lb bag of alfalfa pellets, spread some this am, never used before but reviews are like we can grow big tomatoes in sand with alfalfa pellets, so we got, $10.50 for 50 lb .... while there picked up two bails of alfalfa and two straw, more mulch ..... worked on future comfrey beds roots be here soon, I know they can handle some tough soil, which we have, rocky red dirt, but giving those roots a head start shouldn’t hurt ..... also planning some nettles and who knows what else I learn or figure and plant, love to watch things grow ....

Switching Gears and this is a big shift .... Later THIS MONTH the WHO will meet .... so who is the WHO, if ya don’t know, it’s the World Health Organization ...... WORLD Rescheduling of Marijuana is a subject of discussion ..... WHO has recommended Member Narions Vote IN FAVOR of removing from WHO worst schedule - Sch. 4 and drop to Schedule 1 and eliminate CBD Oil from any schedule so long as contains under 3% TCH ..... In 1961 Member Nations of WHO signed a Drug Treaty Pack and marijuana was included in that treaty ..... Who knew?

Always educational chatting with @Organic Sinse, even his tag makes “Sinse”.


Good luck with the cages!
With the Deez and similar plants, there seem to be few important things. Stake each branch really flat. On most plants I only use 1 stake per branch. On the Deez, the branches are so fat and vigorours, 2 stakes is the number for me, because she is actually strong enough to push single stakes up while I am gone. Once they get the 'bend', its hard to get them to lay back down. Its a "snooze ya loose" deal. Leaf Tuck relentlessly and very often.
That's all easy enough. The tough part is the timing. Here is the strategy I used last time, and how I think about it. Starting from the bottom. As soon as there are 2 or 3 nodes total, I stake down the bottom branch and fan, The nodes above that, I pony tail up for 4 hour sessions, with 4 hours off in between sessions. As many sessions as I can everyday. (If I am around the house, its more sessions per day, if I'm not than maybe only 1.) The plants don't seem to like being ponytailed for long periods of time, but nothing permanent happens. I accidently have left them ponytailed overnight. They just take a lot longer to straighten out. 4 hours seems like the magic number for me to get the results I want.
Going up the plant, as soon as the next branch is long enough to pin with the fan, its staked down. All the nodes above get the ponytail sessions. It often helps for the final 'deal', to start kind of twisting the plant in the same direction, after the second node is pinned. For example the third branch/fan, isn't quit right on top of the first node. Just continue on up the plant, until the nodes start to stagger from side to side, and then I just wing it or quit training and go for a nice cola.
I don't defoliate anything during the grow unless its a damaged leaf. I really don't know much about it, so I just don't do it. However, I think I have just figured out at least a few of the spots I would trim. (Helps to see the finished product once). I feel there is an advantage to leaving the leaves to serve as sinks to later feed the plant if needed. In this type of organics, I feel this has to be at least a minor consideration, because you are feeding the soil and not force feeding the plant. It doesn't seem like they can take up nutrients quite fast enough. I believe that leafs are storage buffers that the plant can draw upon from time to time when nutrients aren't available in the soil, and can also store excess minerals in times of abundance.
Anyway, that's my strategy.

I bet that antennae is aluminum and easy to work with as well. Nice score!

Alfalfa pellets. A coffee grinder does a killer job turning the pellets into alfalfa meal. A blender works too. It breaks down a lot nicer and doesn't make quite the same hotspots it does in pellet form. The thing to remember about alfalfa is it get hot (physically hot) when it breaks down. All it needs to break down is moisture. Typically if you put alfalfa in a mix, it has to cook. When I top dress soil with alfalfa meal, it should be top dressed and then covered with a thin layer of soil or castings. A better option is to just mix these together, then apply the thin layer. An even better option, mix em together a couple weeks ahead of time, and just top dress when needed. (see where I am going with this, early bird gets the worm).

There are a couple ideas.
With the Deez and similar plants, there seem to be few important things. Stake each branch really flat. On most plants I only use 1 stake per branch. On the Deez, the branches are so fat and vigorours, 2 stakes is the number for me, because she is actually strong enough to push single stakes up while I am gone. Once they get the 'bend', its hard to get them to lay back down. Its a "snooze ya loose" deal. Leaf Tuck relentlessly and very often.
That's all easy enough. The tough part is the timing. Here is the strategy I used last time, and how I think about it. Starting from the bottom. As soon as there are 2 or 3 nodes total, I stake down the bottom branch and fan, The nodes above that, I pony tail up for 4 hour sessions, with 4 hours off in between sessions. As many sessions as I can everyday. (If I am around the house, its more sessions per day, if I'm not than maybe only 1.) The plants don't seem to like being ponytailed for long periods of time, but nothing permanent happens. I accidently have left them ponytailed overnight. They just take a lot longer to straighten out. 4 hours seems like the magic number for me to get the results I want.
Going up the plant, as soon as the next branch is long enough to pin with the fan, its staked down. All the nodes above get the ponytail sessions. It often helps for the final 'deal', to start kind of twisting the plant in the same direction, after the second node is pinned. For example the third branch/fan, isn't quit right on top of the first node. Just continue on up the plant, until the nodes start to stagger from side to side, and then I just wing it or quit training and go for a nice cola.
I don't defoliate anything during the grow unless its a damaged leaf. I really don't know much about it, so I just don't do it. However, I think I have just figured out at least a few of the spots I would trim. (Helps to see the finished product once). I feel there is an advantage to leaving the leaves to serve as sinks to later feed the plant if needed. In this type of organics, I feel this has to be at least a minor consideration, because you are feeding the soil and not force feeding the plant. It doesn't seem like they can take up nutrients quite fast enough. I believe that leafs are storage buffers that the plant can draw upon from time to time when nutrients aren't available in the soil, and can also store excess minerals in times of abundance.
Anyway, that's my strategy.

I bet that antennae is aluminum and easy to work with as well. Nice score!

Alfalfa pellets. A coffee grinder does a killer job turning the pellets into alfalfa meal. A blender works too. It breaks down a lot nicer and doesn't make quite the same hotspots it does in pellet form. The thing to remember about alfalfa is it get hot (physically hot) when it breaks down. All it needs to break down is moisture. Typically if you put alfalfa in a mix, it has to cook. When I top dress soil with alfalfa meal, it should be top dressed and then covered with a thin layer of soil or castings. A better option is to just mix these together, then apply the thin layer. An even better option, mix em together a couple weeks ahead of time, and just top dress when needed. (see where I am going with this, early bird gets the worm).

There are a couple ideas.

Wow, like Wife said, you’re just full of it ..... but in s good way for you, didn’t think she meant in a good way when yaking at me .....

I trimmed 23 large fans my first go, dense under reason but really an excuse and I regretted although plant showed no distress.... I still triim but over time as they are valuable leaves, for example wanna spray plant during flower, spray underside of fan leaves and see reaction ...... now some leaves have to go, especially ones touching ground or interference when water but those are few .... try too do as nature but even she has some wicked methods .....

Training, haven’t had logged experience somwanted

Rarely do I apply anything without mixing into something, even Peat moss or crumbled leaves - something, compost, castings, and then lightly scratch into soil .... think somehow my nerves and issues disappear the second I play with the soil, an instant high .....

Just 2-3 lbs of alfalfa got spread few bushes and some in comfy area but that dirt still gets worked plus few around some bulbs, I know nitro but other goodies too ...... and tossed few handfuls imtomoutdoor horse compost area .....

Do appreciate the knowledge ... last year purchased a box of alfalfa with 5lbs groind for $10 at garden center land now I just got same thing:at feed store from locals mill, except in pellets for 21 cents a pound or another way there’s $1.05 worth of alfalfa in that box, maybe $2 because powder and box packaging and sold for $10, nice biz .....

So the receiver antenna itself is aluminum but bases are steel, so I get iron from the rust, hehe ... if you, see a roofer working ask them they take down tv antennas, you love if u score, it’s the bomb, I’ll get better pic for ya, sets right into ground, the weight and triangle designed legs keep it in place, killer .....

Today, like most days, I say stop training Break and let her Cola Grow Verticality but then I find myself placing CC on her again, they are so easy to place it’s addictive, her cola right now has five of the largest CC on her and coulda added more .... canopy is even and I’ve been training side branches as well ..... my thinking is to continue but I know I have to stop sometime and let the cola grow upwards and side branches too but the new bud sites appear from within cola steam itself look to have HUGE Potential, maybe a solid Bodensee ball of Nugs, part of the cola ..... Thoughts appreciated???


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Deez ... wanna try that one, for sure, next grow, getting seeds at/if 4/20 Sale, will see but that and the other test, ah, let’s see, Memory kick in, yea sweet/sour, yes that’s it, wanna give that S/S a roll too ....

Depending on pheno type, believe that’s correct, my Deez maybe different than yours as I had a. SN that was entirely different than ones we have now.

Deez ... wanna try that one, for sure, next grow, getting seeds at/if 4/20 Sale, will see but that and the other test, ah, let’s see, Memory kick in, yea sweet/sour, yes that’s it, wanna give that S/S a roll too ....

Depending on pheno type, believe that’s correct, my Deez maybe different than yours as I had a. SN that was entirely different than ones we have now.

My Deez and SN were virtuall identical plants, Deez was 4” taller but yielded a lil bit less.
I just happen to have a ‘Sweet’n’ Sour’ at day 1. She just popped this morning. I will try and show what I do with her, training wise.
Hey Bro @Organic Sinse ..... Working on Nugs whatchya funk of this ..... Bow ties around the leaves and bend the stem by placing weights on the tie somas to pull growth sideways and allow,light to get at growth .... Pics don’t tell whole story but your idea with some weight?

What ya think “Sensi”?

Hey Bro @Organic Sinse ..... Working on Nugs whatchya funk of this ..... Bow ties around the leaves and bend the stem by placing weights on the tie somas to pull growth sideways and allow,light to get at growth .... Pics don’t tell whole story but your idea with some weight?

What ya think “Sensi”?

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That's the idea, put their hair up for a few hours and let the light in. I have also read that pony tailing may make the pt'ed branches grow out more due to shading. I don't remember the science side of it exactly, but the shading elicits a response from the plant to grow out. If it works for you and me; winner winner chicken dinner! I want to watch your results. It also seems to add space between the nodes, which really helps the Nuggz plants.
Hey Boss, waz the pt’ed branches?

@Organic Sinse

Also, my Nugs is about 50ish days, think her training days are behind but I did note some serious stem growth on lower branches as well as some growth from lower sites .... My next Gall I get on her VERY EARLY and see how many Bud Sites we can get to sprout from the lower branch area - Maybe incorporate raising and lowering of the light while in training, keep light at X Center Point PAR Normally and when Training raise to help stretch of exposed sites .... Thinking out loud here, any thoughts Sensi?
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My Deez and SN were virtuall identical plants, Deez was 4” taller but yielded a lil bit less.
I just happen to have a ‘Sweet’n’ Sour’ at day 1. She just popped this morning. I will try and show what I do with her, training wise.

Why you think Deez yield lower but taller ..... any difference in mixture, pot sizes or amount of light .... Could you have boasted Deez with more flower food - about same amount of time???

S/S yes I wanna know, looking forward to watching, especially cause when Sam finishes I’ll be outa biz for awhile during move but it’s aall good, I’ll be hanging watching dreaming but then never know maybe quicker transition than I’m thinking, I overthink stuff it seems.