Organic Forum Discussion

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New on the growing scene but loving the concept of Tlo im currently using biobizz nutes and i find it very hard to find what nutritional elements are present in most bottled nutes i cant seem to find out is the 12 elements present in the product grow + bloom without having to buy a supplement bottle so i would like to take a water only Tlo approach without the hassle of mixing nutes + sceduleing feeds etc

Im quite new so im wondering i have seen the lists for organic meal resources so theres way to many to name
How many N P K resources do i need from each category
Is a selection from N enough
And 1 from P

The whole concept i gather is to fill my pots with all these benefical elements because thats what my plant likes
Also do i have to add in mycorrhizae is it essential ive reserched this and basically from wat i get is its bacteria moved in feeds itself in the pot shits it backout then is broken down for the plant to uptake
Please correct me if im wrong on anything as i say im new so still learning.

Could someone please shed some light on this and i would like help on making a soil mix
Where im from 40 litre bags of soil are mostly available so im going to throw up my base mix and let others chime in on organic meals and minereals

Base mix
40L bag organic compost (no added ferts)
Perlite for drainage
Garden lime
Not sure about the garden lime i know it will buffer the soil but if i have another Ca source from the list then the lime + that could be to much so ideally im looking to use the above base mix with a balanced nutrient ratio
Im not sure on percentages of nutritional elements but im sure sone of you guys know exactly how things work
New on the growing scene but loving the concept of Tlo im currently using biobizz nutes and i find it very hard to find what nutritional elements are present in most bottled nutes i cant seem to find out is the 12 elements present in the product grow + bloom without having to buy a supplement bottle so i would like to take a water only Tlo approach without the hassle of mixing nutes + sceduleing feeds etc

Im quite new so im wondering i have seen the lists for organic meal resources so theres way to many to name
How many N P K resources do i need from each category
Is a selection from N enough
And 1 from P

The whole concept i gather is to fill my pots with all these benefical elements because thats what my plant likes
Also do i have to add in mycorrhizae is it essential ive reserched this and basically from wat i get is its bacteria moved in feeds itself in the pot shits it backout then is broken down for the plant to uptake
Please correct me if im wrong on anything as i say im new so still learning.

Could someone please shed some light on this and i would like help on making a soil mix
Where im from 40 litre bags of soil are mostly available so im going to throw up my base mix and let others chime in on organic meals and minereals

Base mix
40L bag organic compost (no added ferts)
Perlite for drainage
Garden lime
Not sure about the garden lime i know it will buffer the soil but if i have another Ca source from the list then the lime + that could be to much so ideally im looking to use the above base mix with a balanced nutrient ratio
Im not sure on percentages of nutritional elements but im sure sone of you guys know exactly how things work
kushleaf, below is my soil recipe. There is entirely too much information to go into trying to explain how and why everything works. Compost alone will not get you where you want to be. It takes diversity of ingredients, especially in nutritional amendments but also in your base mix. You need different bases with different textures in order to break the base up and make it more loamy. You also need a certain amount of clay added for cation exchange which is what will hold your nutrients in suspension once the beneficial bacteria have processes them. There is no "most important" factor in creating a soil, every aspect is very important to get right but at the end of the day you want your nutrients in the soil at a correct ratio, this is where testing comes in to play. I have sent my soil to lab testing facilities in order to ensure that the correct NPK ratios are attained as well as Ca to Mg, zinc, boron, etc. Logan Labs is the company I use but there are several out there.

I suggest starting off with a proven base and building from that with what you have locally. Once you think it is close, send it off to a lab and have it tested. It is cheap insurance, Logan charges me $30 to test. It will give you an idea of what else you need to add to your soil to have the perfect mix.

8 gallons Premier Sphagnum Peat Moss - $7.11

2 gallons Vermaplex Black Castings - $2.50
2 gallons Permagreen Garden Soil - $2.36
4 gallons Sunshine Perlite - $3.46
2 gallons Sunshine Vermiculite - $1.60
4 gallons GH CocoTek - $5.00
2 gallons Black Kow Mushroom Compost - $1.00
2 gallons Black Kow Manure Compost - $1.25
1 gallon -1 cup Calcium Bentonite - $12.00
1 cup Sodium Bentonite - $.80

For the buffer I mixed up this and added 1 1/2 cups to the entire mix:

1 1/2 cups Garden Lime - $.15
1 1/2 cups Gypsum - $.19
3 cups Powdered Oyster Shell - $3.60

Add to the mix for nutrients:

4 cups Crab Shell Meal - $3.33
8 cups Kelp Meal - $4.00
8 cups Fish Meal - $2.40
8 cups Bone Meal - $1.60
1 cup Langbeinite - $.69
4 cups Neem Seed Meal - $2.83
2 cups Alfalfa - $.48
1 cup Soft Rock Phosphate - $.63
1 cup Azomite - $1.00

Total Costs for ~ 30 Gallons of soil = $57.98

$1.93 per gallon of soil with all nutrients
Cheers A4 where im at im in the middle of nowhere and no labs close to me i dont want to sound smart but id rather not send it to a lab anyways id rather a proven method
I just want a simple not to many ingredients mix im from the uk and have found a great website from usa with alot of products that i would be interested in hence im not going to buy every product they have so more thinking exactly what i need to go with i have my simple base of compost perlite garden lime then with few ingredints to fill my npks + micro nutes..and how to fit the mycorrhizae into this aswell what substances contain this
Basically i have my base mix and looking for very few amendments to add in to sustain my plants needs without have to give any topdreasing or supplement teas or liquids half qay through the grow because then it would defeat the purpose of Tlo
One of the best grower's came here and gave you advice. And you blew him off.

I don't know why you are stuck on the Mychorrozai, I never use it, I have great plants.

You say you know hardly anything, but have a whole bunch of information from somewhere.

It does seem like you need help. take the help you are given if you wish, or disregard.

A4 is not just a cannabis growrer, but he has a multi acre farm growing vegetables, it is his job. He knows what he is doing. His reputation alone, is a proven method.

many Farmers have thier soil analyzed, it is a common thing for farmers. you won't be a suspected MJ grower, just because of that.

You said, " id rather not send it to a lab anyways id rather a proven method." Don't you think that is a proven method?

Ask yourself if you are seeking advice, or confirmation of your own ideas?

Soil Recipes are all over this forum.

Have you read the Organic grower's section? Look for stuff by members. X. A4. Swampman, those are a couple of good soil recipes to start

One of the best grower's came here and gave you advice. And you blew him off.

I don't know why you are stuck on the Mychorrozai, I never use it, I have great plants.

You say you know hardly anything, but have a whole bunch of information from somewhere.

It does seem like you need help. take the help you are given if you wish, or disregard.

A4 is not just a cannabis growrer, but he has a multi acre farm growing vegetables, it is his job. He knows what he is doing. His reputation alone, is a proven method.

many Farmers have thier soil analyzed, it is a common thing for farmers. you won't be a suspected MJ grower, just because of that.

You said, " id rather not send it to a lab anyways id rather a proven method." Don't you think that is a proven method?

Ask yourself if you are seeking advice, or confirmation of your own ideas?

Soil Recipes are all over this forum.

Have you read the Organic grower's section? Look for stuff by members. X. A4. Swampman, those are a couple of good soil recipes to start


Quite frankly Eek your the one who blew off if you read what i said i dont want to come across as smart
Obviously im new and things are hard to process when learning im a researching alot about growing cannabis and everyone has a different view
I am not from canada or usa or holland which has a wide variety of products available a lot handier to where i am as stated
That is why im trying to work with what i can obtain locally or via internet purchase but i dont want to buy too much product that i dont need
I dont think i have disrepected A4 in anyway
Im new learning the trade im going to ask advice and listen as i did but im trying to find a mix that wil work without going to lab to test soil im sure everyone that makes a soilmix dosent test it
So thanks for jumping in eek and trying to flame me im sure you had a lot of question when you started out and obviously i did ask for other opinions than mine and i got one the next might be different
You say im on about micorrhizae i taught this has sometjing to Tlo setup to be honest man i dont see your point in flying off at me this forum is to share ideas and help growers find the best reaults for there plants so just because you know it all everyone else does is that it
Ah, no big deal Eek.

Hey, best of luck kushleaf. Your last statement there though, let me correct you on that. Top dressings and teas does not defeat the purpose of TLO. TLO = True Living Organics, not pie in the sky, never have to touch the soil again super mix. So when you are adding EWC tea or Enzyme teas or Alafalfa teas you are adding a more diverse culture of mycho, bacteria and fungi to your mixture along with some added nutrients. That doesn't defeat the purpose of TLO, it IS TLO my friend.
Ah, no big deal Eek.

Hey, best of luck kushleaf. Your last statement there though, let me correct you on that. Top dressings and teas does not defeat the purpose of TLO. TLO = True Living Organics, not pie in the sky, never have to touch the soil again super mix. So when you are adding EWC tea or Enzyme teas or Alafalfa teas you are adding a more diverse culture of mycho, bacteria and fungi to your mixture along with some added nutrients. That doesn't defeat the purpose of TLO, it IS TLO my friend.

So tlo is not water only?

Did not mean to flame. I apologize. Guess I was a bit gruff.

I actually admire the research you are trying to do.

you are correct, my first groww I was a disaster, and could have used the help

Guess I was just defending a respected grower, overly so.

I won't get in yer way, please carry on.

I will go to my corner now, lol

"AFN smoke out"
