Hello Mooons,
EoF is on the right track. I have always learned the hard way. I tried my soil with a 15 day cook. I was feeding for about a month when I shouldn't have had to.
Here is the best way in my Opinion.
Use black plastic sheetinig, in the Yard, not in the house. The black plastic helps to super warm up the soil underneath. The house does not get warm enough. It needs to be at 140 degrees F. when you are at 70 F, the black plastic heats the soil enough for the temps to be the right temperature. Cook for 60 days, or longer.
Now, one thing to remember, is the ingredients in your soil can make a difference as well. Some addatives are already to go, depending on what brand you buy. If all of your amendments are non store bought, then cook it as usual. I use some happy frog sometimes, and it seems to not need to cook.- When I add it to soil when I see a deficiency, it works within a day or two.