Organic Forum Discussion

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Hey pop, yes black casting is worm castings. It can be difficult finding supplies, that is for sure. Luckily, I am a farmer, as in I actually grow vegetables for market so it was a bit easier for me. Do you not have a local farmer's cooperative near you or within driving distance? They can locate a lot of these items in bulk which is how I purchase mine. The perlite, I bought in a 3.5 cubic foot bag for ~$30. The worm castings are the same way. If you go to a hydro store you are going to pay premium prices because their markup is outrageous. Farmers aren't going to pay the prices we pay because there isn't room for the added expense in their business so best to shop where farmers shop. I now have my own worm farm in my garage where I make my own castings, that cost me about $100 for everything needed to get started and I feed them scrap vegetables and coffee grounds for free. I have all the worm castings anyone could ever use and they are fresh. So there are ways around cost.

I considered starting a business that packages and ships exact amendments for 30 gallons so all someone would have to do would be to add peat to the mixture but it is too much risk for a grower to be doing that. Here is the thing though, when considering costs. My prices I have listed are exactly what I paid. That is enough for 6 plants throughout the entire growth cycle and I reuse that soil every time so the costs go down when reamending because the bulk of the product is already there. I was using Metrop nutrients, $200 for 5 - 1 liter bottles of nutrients that would last me about 14 plants from start to finish, that isn't including the $40 bale of promix I was buying. So, short term it is a little more expensive to get set up with a true soil grow but for long term there isn't even a comparison in costs. Not to mention you can throw away your pH meter, pH up, pH down and all that. I am not saying it is for everyone because in all honesty it took me a long time before I decided to try it but for those that are interested in quality crops with minimum hassle TLO is easily the way to go.
They way i mean to say if is i can get organic soil garden lime perlite locally say that will be my base the rest i will have to order this will be nutritional elements i dont think i will need 5 different types of bat guano thats just a waste so to bring me back to original post to fill my N needs will ineed bat guano and bloodmeal and bonemeal or will only one do the job same for P K and micros
I know its kinda like someguy explained that its a range of foods put there for the plant to use as it likes at the time
But this is why im asking if i have 5 different N sources thats plenty of choice but isnt this to much N
I think what im trying to say is ratios portions contents
I know its to feed the soil not the plant the plant will feed off the soil this is why i brought up micprrhizae because its supposed to live feed shit and then breakdown into available nutrients for the plant to take up which is kinda like tlo i have read dirts revs alot of guides
But in uk my soil bags are 40L standard and im only loking to grow 3-4 plants at a time and would like to go tlo
Would likw to know howuch product of 12 nutritional elements to buy for eavh element category

Ahh ok kush, I am beginning to understand what you are asking brother. I don't think English may be your native language so the translation is throwing me a bit. Don't fret because English is my only language, lol, so I commend you for your knowledge. So you want to use a soil that is already in a bag that you can purchase locally. To that you want to add some ammendments that will get you through a grow with only watering and very little additions. I feel you there and that can be done! Your yield won't be as great as amending throughout the grow but you will still have very respectable yields and exceptional quality.

I will tell you what, if you can find a link to some type of soil you have available so I can see what is in it I will try and create a list of things to add to it that should get you through a grow at a reasonable cost. Give me an idea of where you are, not exact but an area of a country so I can see what is available for you. I will do my best to give you a listing of what you need to add to your soil mix to get you through a grow.
Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.If you can even find all these nutes where you live buying them separately would be crazy,You are better off to get some basic npk organc nutes that may contain some of the micro nutes and then try and find some organic micro supplement that contains what the basic nutes don't have.Being a new grower it is best to keep things simple and start out with the basics you need then whn you get some grows under your belt you can do some more detailed and In depth growing.Isuggest you start reading as much as you can here and on the webb.Growing autos is a on going learning experience and it will take time before you can say you no it all because you will never no it all but you will no enough to grow some mighty fine weed.
Ahh ok kush, I am beginning to understand what you are asking brother. I don't think English may be your native language so the translation is throwing me a bit. Don't fret because English is my only language, lol, so I commend you for your knowledge. So you want to use a soil that is already in a bag that you can purchase locally. To that you want to add some ammendments that will get you through a grow with only watering and very little additions. I feel you there and that can be done! Your yield won't be as great as amending throughout the grow but you will still have very respectable yields and exceptional quality.

I will tell you what, if you can find a link to some type of soil you have available so I can see what is in it I will try and create a list of things to add to it that should get you through a grow at a reasonable cost. Give me an idea of where you are, not exact but an area of a country so I can see what is available for you. I will do my best to give you a listing of what you need to add to your soil mix to get you through a grow.

Ok i think now im understanding i have read through a few grows using organics sources but did not know that it was called "TLO"i just thought it was called organuc growing using soil amendments
So what i was explaing is a supersoil mix which i thought was the same as "TLO" because alot of the ingredients are similar
The soil which i can get is well known around uk/ireland john innes no.2 i have perlite and garden lime also so i have these 3 for my base mix
Next is to find my nutritional sources for my plants needs
I can get them off a site called lots of munchies there just dont know what to get and how to break it down to go with my 40L of base mixso its the optimal ratio
About using teas i have no problem in using them i just may research how and when should it be used and how to brew etc etc.

Cheers guys for al the replies i will have a look through tour link and info im just flat out researxhing
Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.If you can even find all these nutes where you live buying them separately would be crazy,You are better off to get some basic npk organc nutes that may contain some of the micro nutes and then try and find some organic micro supplement that contains what the basic nutes don't have.Being a new grower it is best to keep things simple and start out with the basics you need then whn you get some grows under your belt you can do some more detailed and In depth growing.Isuggest you start reading as much as you can here and on the webb.Growing autos is a on going learning experience and it will take time before you can say you no it all because you will never no it all but you will no enough to grow some mighty fine weed.

Cheers dude im currently halfway through first outdoor grow using liquid organics and would like to take a trip down Tlo but as you say im going to bury my head into the books and get my first grow under my belt
I quite like the look of earth juice nutrient range quite a nice ingedint list in their bottles if i dont choose to go Tlo i might go with earth juice and basic soil mix
i was saying micorrhizae i was meant to say microbes i read X's Tlo guide here good guide so just so im right microbes come from broken down organic meals and minerals in the guide i seen him mention that its to feed the microbes and not the plant but how exactly are the microbes presnet

another question if i use organic sources like blood meal kelpmeal bat guano etc etc does this mean im growing tlo
im actually quite confused right now i feel all my research has just gotten jumbled up in my head and its all not valid

ok guys heres probably a stupid question but im a soil only grower and all the info is always mixed about hydro and other ways i like to grow in soil not that i have experiene its just my prefered method is this the only ways cannabis can be fed using nutrient feeds in soil sorry guys just want to lear this up so i can get it past me and into the memory bank just for get about soilmixs

method 1 hand feed liquids
method 2 solualbe fertilizers (dry fertilizer)
soil amendments (tlo) (supersoil)
im sorry guysb for my translation but im very keen on learning the trade and have alot of questions that probably noone else would come up with
if someone could tell me how the microbes get into the soil it be great i just have to clear a few things in my head because its all fuzzy