Here's some Skelly og from last years grow im smoking on this morning very nice pheno with a strong Skelly hash plant taste great for pain with no knockout like typical run of the mill hash plants has a very interesting smell I used 2encounter in the ol days before legal pot very ol school taste an terp I can't quite place very similar to a old northern lights cut that I believe has been bred out in modern forms .
Raining today but in the greenie the plants are dry bout ready to start the fim I won't do to much training but do want bushy ladies height restrictions aren't an issue with such a short outdoor veg I do have a feeling I will hit the roof though.
Things are looking great got quite a bit done an the plants are starting to grow fast pretty soon I will add the cobs an kick it up a notch I have been eyeing some 100 watt draw cobs 8 should do the trick !!!that super healthy big leafed beauty is a kushncheese she's loving it View attachment 1034121 View attachment 1034121
a happy sight! green grows the greenie! I had a 20' diameter growdome up in the mountains. Deep snows. I would build a support, beam supported by posts, to keep it from collapsing during winter. Remove it in spring after threat had passed.
a happy sight! green grows the greenie! I had a 20' diameter growdome up in the mountains. Deep snows. I would build a support, beam supported by posts, to keep it from collapsing during winter. Remove it in spring after threat had passed.
This one is a lot better built then the last one an lots bigger but still if we get heavy snow i will need to remove the cover its literally has a fan built into it an is such a custom cut it sure is going to be tricky getting it back up the snow we got they say was once in a century it destroyed quite a bit a stuff so I hope it doesn't come back .Been in a lot of greenies dad an I built but this one actually feels like home I go out an smoke heck I even order pizzas in rainstorms ☔ ☔ ☔ cuz the reception is bad in a trailer out in the boon docks .Great to see ya dropping in friend its goin to be a great outdoor season .T hats a huge greenie this one's 10×11 ten feet tall at roof. Nothing quite like the greenhouse growing .
Things are going great an the plants are growin fast so it's about time to drop the cob ledz in the greenhouse I got 2 more coming to make 8 I will be transplanting soon to bigger pots an then final pots an wham flowering time next round will be started this month .
@dankstyle J
Girls are looking great mate, nice set up. Buds look great :pass:
Thanks friend I'm excited to see how they do !!Feel lucky just to be able to grow my own meds .Thanks for stopping in things are goin to get more interesting soon .
When I can I will be going to town to get the rest of the supplies I need for the hanging of the leds .I used cable ties to hang the first four an they work great I can also loop cords throw them to keep all electrical devises off the ground .Cleaned the large pots an got em ready flower time is may 15 got to get some good growth .
Stranglely enough after a pretty ruff fim job on all the plants most of them kept shooting up in growth I did see the side branches developing like crazy as well been giving them teas an did notice a lil top dressing I did had white mold growing on it which made me smile super big I had a feeling that mix was a heavy microbial feeder an now I know an knowing is half the battle !!!
They are all transplanted an the lights are hung looking like they dig the light so far check out the huge pile of worm under the planter I'm blessed with a huge worm.population!!