Seems to me these ladies are enjoying life so far !!!
Looking good....I bet you still fill it right up to the top with green:smoking: Hope so anyway!!
Thanks very much friend so far so good I'm really excited about this year so many good strains an lots of variety.Some killer breeders new strains an a chance to pull some fantastic organic medical cannabis with my friends on afn its goin to be great can't wait to you get going fun times friend .
Things are looking great got quite a bit done an the plants are starting to grow fast pretty soon I will add the cobs an kick it up a notch I have been eyeing some 100 watt draw cobs 8 should do the trick !!!that super healthy big leafed beauty is a kushncheese she's loving it
Transplant day an look at the roots on the bio legend all plants had rooted well even the lil white widow seedling which was a big surprise .Had a scare weeks ago with the bomb atomic an sprayed it an left it outside in nearly freezing temps but after microscopic views I realize its just a genetic abnormalities same with the one of the c99s no worries everything is good plant ptsd is no fun .
Bio legend an sour cookies look very very similar looks like I got some sour diesel phenos I was very happy when I saw them looking diesel like Sour d is top notch medicine .

My bubba cookies an my sour cookies look alike as well got a feeling there forum cut cookie dom !!After the transplant every thing is doin great !!
Getting off to a great start brother :thumbsup:Glad the demons were only a scare and no more:yoinks::smoking:
Thanks friend those bugs really did a number on the brain a few years back the end meds on last years crop was bug free an I'm pretty sure that snow that is once in a century an the below freezing temps inside my trailer during it probably killed em off an the indoor is safe again after all these seedlings were indoor for a week or so I'm praying the indoor is safe as well I loved the indoor lots .
Starting to grow fast !!I really need this fast growth I will be trying to keep any root circling from happening an will be getting them in there final pots sometime next month one more planter repot when they are ready an pulling the cover sometime may !!!