Outdoor Oregon Grown #3

U are growing some gigantic plants there. I can only dream of growing girls like your ogs. Great work man!
Thank you very much Ii spend a lot of time working at it I need top quality medicine in also a strong indoor grower although I feel I used to be pretty sucky but I have been researching an working nonstop to improve on that front an am finally doing good,every thing I get is from.lots of work I wish it was easy but for me I gotta grow an learn
My friend I'm the worst with ph ,I use my microbes to do the work ,i don't ever take one an when I'm having plant problems i can usually fix em with just the basic stuff iknow about plants,i would suggest people take ph and know the content of there soil i spend a almost all my time researching an trying to understand the organic world of microbial life ,I'm autistic its actually what i fixate on .

Hahaha this is too funny...two of the guys that grow some of the biggest outdoor plants on this site ignore ph. I took a ph reading...hmmmmm it was only 3-4 years ago....ahahahahahahahaha :D I dont even own a PH meter anymore ;)
Skelly og
Forgot to take photo of the bigger white face off ,really kinda not happy with my plants an the main reason is I would prefer to work on them an take care of them daily Many issues I could have addressed or taken care I wasn't able to ,saving for a greenhouse an the things I need for it ,if I'm able to work on my plants every day I know the quality will be super high .
Hahaha this is too funny...two of the guys that grow some of the biggest outdoor plants on this site ignore ph. I took a ph reading...hmmmmm it was only 3-4 years ago....ahahahahahahahaha :D I dont even own a PH meter anymore ;)
Yes but me and you an especially you we have taken the time to get to know plants and a lot of growers aren't as familiar with cannabis and need help to figure out what's wrongan ph meters are an excellent way to get an idea ,I bet if I were to take a ph to my plants I might be surprised at the reading lol
Figured out why I wasn't happy with my plants not my fault at all ,the state released the russet mite this year to combat weeds on the freeway,I didn't realize the problems I was seeing were russet mites an the farm is really close to the freeway so I ended up catching them ,I am battling them the best I can an I know next year I will be prepared for anything,started saving for a greenhouse an will soon register with the state as my medical grow spot as soon as this year's over,will be back next year of course with rare elite American genetics,autoflowers an a few breeders from across the pond .