Mephisto Genetics Orange Crack (freebie)

Good news and bad news. The bad news is the dwc is turning yellow and even though its standing up right it doesn't seem to be doing well... but as long as its not flopping over I will keep it. The good news is I figure out my oh was way off. I recalibrated my ph meter and the meter was previously reading a ph that was off my at least 1.0
Good catch on the meter! Was the reading high or low?
Good catch on the meter! Was the reading high or low?
High very high.
So I am going to see if it lives, if not the Tyrone special might go in, or ill try my nute regime I am using on my ww auto to see how it does in soil. I want to get dwc right and once I just dial in the ph it will be golden. I think I'm going to change out the dwc nutes today and start over. But I also noticed that the rapid footer was staying wet so I'm going to lower the water level this time around too. Dwc seems easy once you dial it in
ok so that other seedling obviously bit the dust, so i put a grape crinkle in it. i expect no problems this time as ive got the ph corrected now
Here's some up close photos of the white crack

If only I would've treated her better, she's tiny but the beauty she has is stunning. Good things do come in small packages :d5: