Mephisto Genetics Orange Crack (freebie)

Watered my plants today, everything is looking good. I removed the humidity domes from the white crack and the toof decay and they look good. I think my problem with the orange crack was as I explained before. Wrong soil put in the pot.

If someone holds my hand through this grow and my duck grow I will try nutrients starting tomorrow. I ha e both the liquid and granular fox farm trio. I want as easy a process as possible. I have ph up ph down and the rest of what would be needed like cal mag and the ph meter. I just don't wanna get this wrong because I have a lot of pain issues and I need something that is easy. I need to find a place to store my nutrients after they are mixed if that's how it works.
Thank you

Most nutes needs to be used soon after mixing. Not familiar with the dry FF nutes but can you just top dress the soil and water it in? Its a slower release but usually works. I tend to go lightly when I feed this way.
I think it helps to reduce the chance of a burn from the nutes, just a slower release
Since i seem to be really uneasy about doing it with the chemical fertilizers i am going to stick with the jobes this round. i put just a single spike in each pot and about 1/2 tablespoon of granular oh the top and watered. I need more spikes, but I also plan to try and use some of my hot soil i use for my bonsais as a top dressing on the toof decay to see how it fares, i know ive been talking about doing the ff stuff, but this round I just need some buds and i don't want to screw up and lose seeds. I know this method works so for this round it stays.

the auto ducks are on their way as i said, and i think it might even be a good test of how autoducks do with simple organics. I honestly am having a lot of pain and mental anguish so it's just easier on me to do it this way for the time being.
Do you use molasses or EWC? Im staying away from chemical nutes right now. Its a slow but good learn. Recharge is another great product to use. Wont burn, organic and you dont use a ton.
Do you use molasses or EWC? Im staying away from chemical nutes right now. Its a slow but good learn. Recharge is another great product to use. Wont burn, organic and you dont use a ton.
No o don't but I am,willing to try molasses this grow the nice thing about jobes spikes and granular is that they are all organic ones that I have and I don't have to flush. Plus it makes recycling and composting a breeze. My house plants and bonsais love the used soil from my plants.

What exactly do you have to so for teas? Stuff like that I'm not worried about because organic is harder to screw up
You can mix up the earthworm castings and molasses and water with it. Lots of food for the soil with that mix! Molasses is easy feed by itself. The ewc are a great soil additive. All organic
You can mix up the earthworm castings and molasses and water with it. Lots of food for the soil with that mix! Molasses is easy feed by itself. The ewc are a great soil additive. All organic
thanks for the info! And i need to mix in earthworm castings next round to my soil and do some amendments, learning as much as i can here and it's taking some time.

sorry for such a bad and slow reply, i have been having almost constant PTSD flash backs all day
Its all cool with me. There is some good organic reading here if you ever have time. EWC is the best thing to have on hand. Only taken me the last 9 months to figure that out! We got plenty of time to learn.
well, im going to take some more photos tomorrow, they are still extremely small which makes me think i didn't do enough early fertilization, they still look like seedlings, i hope i didn't screw up and get only a few grams each. that would be a disappointment. the one looks like it topped itself or something, there's only 2 leaves growing, they are growing well and seem to be dividing but there's no second set of leaves yet. if it did top itself, that would be cool. im hoping its all good still. I'm not gonna give up though, ill just keep growing :)