Mephisto Genetics Orange Crack (freebie)

I had to Google because i didn't remember where i saw them. I think thats a giid seedbank, have not bought from them yet.
I had to Google because i didn't remember where i saw them. I think thats a giid seedbank, have not bought from them yet.
It's advertised here so i would assume AFN does the vetting process
Yes, they have a good reputation :smoking::smoking:
Awesome, thanks for the personal feedback.

Anyone know of any discount coupons i can get?
ok, my fantasmo has about a 2 cm tap root, i went and planted that. only the toofless alien to go!!!
I'm going to have a big harvest :D (a zip each is a good harvest for me)
ok so every seede except the toofless alien has begun to sprout, the avt is going super fast, it's the fastest strain so far that ive tried. I might try to do a second one just to keep things moving although it does mean i can spread out the harvest
I put a second toofless alien in a papertowel for germination, i think i had one dud which is fine, but then again it might also be that its not constantly warm as im turning the tent lights off for 4 hours a night to save some power.

My 3 bears og just shed its shell and is about to open up.
The fantasmo and white crack look to be a day behind the rest.

Oh I found 3 feminized photoperiod seeds from dianfem tucked away in one of my moving boxes
2 cheese
1 og kush
3bog showed it's first true leaves. Still waiting on the second toofless alien to do anything. The white crack and fantasmo are a bit further but still has the seed shell attached but I suspect in a day they will shed.
You can help them along by misting the shell a couple of times a day. After a day of misting if the shell is still on I mist again then very gently assist with pulling it off using tweezers.
so the white crack's shell came off but it still looks to be in its embryiotic state so idk if im just doing something wrong with the cracks or what. the fantasmo shell was shed today and its first set of leaves are showing.
The toofless alien on the other hand has zero movement whatsoever on either seed.
Where am i screwing up? Or is it just that these strains are more finicky and it's my issue? if the white crack fails im going to do a double grape and if the toofless alien goes no where im going to do a skywalker. it is a blessing in disguise though because now i can have my harvests spread out.