Mephisto Genetics Orange Crack (freebie)

Sorry, wrong thread to post in
I had seen that, but i have yet to actually find when they will be doing it, plus theres still the chance of females. There's gotta be a way to make a seed a male right?

I am pretty sure male pollen from a reversal will make all seeds female, to get male seeds the pollen must be from a reg. I think seeds from the plant you reversed will be called S1's, if you pollinate other strains with the reversed pollen all the seeds will be feminized. Really Interesting stuff, just wish I had the room to have a good go at it myself :pass::pass:

The Larry I crossed with Mephistos Blue Cush was lovely, very lemony, the resin level was superb. It ended up being like a photoperiod fast version, 6-7 weeks flowering. I have pics on here somewhere I think, still got a few seeds left.

Please document the reversal process, might try it myself soon :smoking::smoking::smoking:
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Sorry, wrong thread to post in
no worries my friend, i was too baked last night to notice what was said anyway :) I always enjoy a good discussion

I had seen that, but i have yet to actually find when they will be doing it, plus theres still the chance of females. There's gotta be a way to make a seed a male right?

I am pretty sure male pollen from a reversal will make all seeds female, to get male seeds the pollen must be from a reg. I think seeds from the plant you reversed will be called S1's, if you pollinate other strains with the reversed pollen all the seeds will be feminized. Really Interesting stuff, just wish I had the room to have a good go at it myself :pass::pass:

The Larry I crossed with Mephistos Blue Cush was lovely, very lemony, the resin level was superb. It ended up being like a photoperiod fast version, 6-7 weeks flowering. I have pics on here somewhere I think, still got a few seeds left.

Please document the reversal process, might try it myself soon :smoking::smoking::smoking:
Yeah i think all F1's are female, which is fine with me, but it just means I would have a large range of phenotypes. It would take about a year to get to either F4 or F5 to be stable saying every run from seed to seed harvest back to seed lasts 90 days.

I wish i had the time and the space too! It seems like a common problem, but would it not be awesome to get @mephisto themselves to scoop up a strain you created?

that larry sounds great. I love anything sweet, so lemony is right in the proper line up. IDK why but diesel and strains like skunk strains don't really have anything I like in them.

Does anyone know if you can find even regular Acapulco gold seeds? That is a legendary strain for me and others and if I can find a good female seed or cutting i'd be loving it and creating a cross of something mephisto with it. maybe double grape x Acapulco gold

Also does anyone know if i can change the title of this thread to just be a conglomeration of my current grows and blabbing?

Update on the seeds, they are in the papertowels and i will be planting a few today
3 seeds have already cracked their shell in under 24 hours at 68 farenheight
Alien vs Triangle
3 Bears og
White Crack

2 are yet to go but i can see the pre pop swelling ive come to know means its a valid seed
Toofless Alien
Fantasmo Express
If your going to go through gens, I would cross to photos. Will take 4 gens to get to full auto, prob would up the potency maybe. That was my initial plan with the Larry and Blue Cush, might try and continue it this year outside. The Acapulco would be a top candidate, im sure there are regs somewhere. Ace and Cannabiogen have some great Sativas, I would love to use their Malawi.
If your going to go through gens, I would cross to photos. Will take 4 gens to get to full auto, prob would up the potency maybe. That was my initial plan with the Larry and Blue Cush, might try and continue it this year outside. The Acapulco would be a top candidate, im sure there are regs somewhere. Ace and Cannabiogen have some great Sativas, I would love to use their Malawi.
The only thing is that I don't know anything about autos and i'd have to go straight from seedling to flower because the tent id use is small, like 24"x24"x36" small.

Acapulco is such a hard strain to find, its like anyone who has it is keeping it a secret. I've also been looking for a true BubbaDiesel photo seed i can breed to auto
I should have just googled it, but thank you! I might pick a few up, but ive never used seedsman before, i assume they are good though.
They get large, i think there is a recent grow documented here
large is ok if i can do an awesome cross

So my AvT broke the soil already and is starting to shed its seed, the other two (3 bog, white crack) are above soil but with the seed shell still on.
The fantasmo seed is just cracking now but no tap root and my toofless alien is looking to be about the same.