Lighting Optic LED Optic 8 Grow light help

Hard to tell what if any damage is happening to the plants by this image, a close up would be preferable. I see though you are in flower, I would dim the lights down some and feed those ladies much CalMag, they can be CalMag whores especially under 8 cobs with such intensity. I take it the problems you are seeing occurred in flower and not veg?
Correct, once I increased the light intensity on the bloom and bloom enhancer. Then I even tried 50% on each to balance the red and blue spectrums. So far they have been picky about something i'm doing wrong
Day 51
One more suggestion. Clear Perspex hung below the light so refract some light ? I googled if for you and that’s just one idea I see. Tbh. Other than co2 it’s out of my league. Think you need more height. But I’m quite new myself.
interesting, thank you for your help... This is how the community is strengthened. I'll look this up.
One more suggestion. Clear Perspex hung below the light so refract some light ? I googled if for you and that’s just one idea I see. Tbh. Other than co2 it’s out of my league. Think you need more height. But I’m quite new myself.
interesting, thank you for your help... This is how the community is strengthened. I'll look this up.
Yeh man. Hundred heads is better then 1 haha. I forgot about extraction. Good point. Hope it works bro :)
Yup, that is the thought anyway. I know I'm not the only Optic owner.
I’m a Optic owner, you didn’t receive this with
your Optic 8 Plus?


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