New Grower One Pound + autoflower Club

If one man can do it, so can another! And I don't think its full potential has been hit yet! I'd love to see a group thread of at least ten people, all growing at the same time. Bet we could hammer out some true beasts!

I think you are right, I would like to see all the DWC guys go at it with say the AU's or TB's
If one man can do it, so can another! And I don't think its full potential has been hit yet! I'd love to see a group thread of at least ten people, all growing at the same time. Bet we could hammer out some true beasts!
Yeh I would love that! If I had the room at the time would Deffo order a Dwc just for the comp XD!!
I'm thinking coco in my DIY 20 gallon bottom watered pot!

no DWC is bettah lol I am totally kidding this is really a shot at all the forums that aren't as cool as us. I have never grown in tha coco but I am sure I could get the hang of it
I've done DWC and I think coco has as much potential done right, as does DWC, and it benefits from being a more stable medium IMO. I know I'm a beginner with coco, but DAMN! I'm having great grows with it!

no DWC is bettah lol I am totally kidding this is really a shot at all the forums that aren't as cool as us. I have never grown in tha coco but I am sure I could get the hang of it
I've done DWC and I think coco has as much potential done right, as does DWC, and it benefits from being a more stable medium IMO. I know I'm a beginner with coco, but DAMN! I'm having great grows with it!

I am sure I will give it a go at some point but it will be hard to get me away from me bubble buckets with all tha air!!!!! muuuahahahahaha And @pop22 you would grow anything well sir
Roughneck 28 gallon totes are the bomb for DWC! low and wide. ttystyk grows 2pound+ plants in them regularly!

So the thing is because I have to insulate the totes they have to be able to fit into something else so that I can spray foam insulate around them. I think I can get a 2 pounder in a 13 gallon. I had the one in this thread and that was in a 5 gallon, so double the rez, double the plant right lol