Hell yeah bro your off to a great start I agree with your less is more approach that's what I'll be doing next round maybe even just plain spritzer bottle for first couple weeks
Yeppers on the spritz bottle! I wish i had grabbed one, you could just mist the soil instead of full on watering.
Apparently seedlings need way less water than i thought. Its kinda weird not watering a growing plant lol, but i think im glad i have held off this time!
Heres a tricky one for me this round....ill be putting element 115 on the autopot for automated watering...but they recommend you wait until the plant has grown big enough that its leaves reach the sides of the pot.
So ya gotta handwater em for what, 3 weeks, then its easy street!
Thanks for tagging me in buddy. I’ll be watching to seeing how things go and to gain knowledge. Congrats on the new tent btw, hoping to get some beans popped soon myself so I can use the rest of mine! Well, after I find another light anyway haha. Anyway, keep us updated!:smoking: